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D&D 4e -- Will you buy it?

Started by jdrakeh, April 25, 2007, 03:04:47 AM

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Quote from: RPGPunditYeah, you say that now, but several years from now, when they aren't making your 3.x books anymore, and the new edition looks all nice and shiny, odds are you will drop $500 on that. How many did you drop on 2nd edition? On 1st?

I spent exactly $90-ish dollars on AD&D 2e (the three core books only). In recent years I've spent more on first edition books, but I'm going to go with a lifetime total of about $300 (all spent over a decade after it went out of print). So. . . uh. . . yeah. Not everybody conforms to your delusions.

QuoteWhat? What happened to it?

Nothing, I think. It's clear now that it never existed as anything other than a cheap ploy to lure posters to your own, personal, litterbox so you could fling shit that some wise moderators had prevented you from flinging elsewhere.

QuoteI preach a philosophy of free fucking speech, bucko.  That means that you can post what you like here and I won't ban you; and in turn I can post whatever the fuck I like here too.

Or "anarchy". Free speech isn't "free" if the site owner makes it a point to personally attack all who post things that he disagrees with. What you have here isn't a site dedicated to free speech, but to your own personal self-gratification.

QuoteActually, yes, it absolutely can be.

No, it can't. Until you take few steps back toward reality, I'm signing off. Have fun with your shit-slinging, man.


James ...nothing is stopping you from going to Half-Price books or some other similar used book store and selling off your old game books if the money spent is such a big deal.

  I mean hell's bells  - I sold off half of my old edition GURPS books right before 4th edition GURPS came out. It wasn't painful ...it really wasn't.

 This is whole question is SO hypothetical its just so fucking ridiculous.

 Its like asking : "So in 2 or 3 years If Halle Berry showed up to your house and said she would get naked and happily fuck you  - would you dump your current girlfriend?"   - What the Hell??
  Hell in 2 years your current girlfriend might look better than Halle Berry - who knows??

 There isn't a 4th edition D&D - YET.

 Want to talk even more crazy??
Most of the guests on the Art Bell Coast to Coast show say the world ends in December of 2012  - so what are you worried about ?  We've only got 5 more years to whine about stuff like new editions of game systems.

- Ed C.
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My collected possessions of 3.x amount to the 3E core books and The Complete Warrior. The way I run the game is without prestige or multi-classes, plus you get to play a nonhuman only if GM Pierce thinks you're an exceptionally gifted roleplayer. And GM Pierce is one harsh taskmaster.

So, given that minimalist playstyle and buying habit, sure, I'll buy 4E. If it's dramatically different from 3.x and if it costs me under $70, adjusted for inflation.
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James J Skach

Who gets dibs on bitching about Pundit's behavior now that he's "driven away" Mr. Hargrove. JimBob?
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...Oh and purely for my own monetary agenda, IF I'm still working at the Game Store  when 4th edition D&D comes out :

 Please BUY  It!!

And as MANY  copies as possible.!!

 Thank You .
 Have a Nice Day ....stop back again real soon!

- Ed C.

If it keeps me employed - then hell yes I'll try to sell that puppy. I ain't stupid.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

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Quote from: James J SkachWho gets dibs on bitching about Pundit's behavior now that he's "driven away" Mr. Hargrove. JimBob?
Hasn't Mr. Hargrove quit rpg.net like four times so far?

He'll be back. I mean, they fought over D&D.
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The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!


Whenever 4e should come out, I'm sure I'll buy the core books.  I'm a mechanics geek, and I'll be very interested in seeing what WotC has come up with.

Will I change my games over?  Well, that's a different question entirely. :)  No idea what I'll even be playing then, so it's kinda moot.



i may be on the inverse "star trek movie" line of thought on this (weak analogy, i know)

bought 1st ed.
skipped 2nd
bought 3.0 and 3.5
will probably skip 4

although it's more of a tolerance or dislike of level-based systems in general i think.  i go through phases with it.  

if 4th came out in the near future (just sayin') i'd skip it for sure.  i'm majorly pissed at them over the dragon/dungeon/DL thing.  when it actually comes out in a few years, i'll probably have forgotten about it by then.

of course, by that time Deluxe BRP will have been out for only a week or two, right?  :haw:


At the very least, assuming they'd still do the 3-core book model, I'd get the PHB.  The most current D&D version is one of the few games that every RPG player simply must own at some point in their gaming career.


I'll almost definitely get the phb and see what it's like, then decide from there.  I still don't have the 3.5 dmg or mm - if I see them used, I might get them but the SRD mitigates my need for them.


Quote from: RPGPunditIt isn't a question of legally binding, its a question of them not having a project.

Actually, if D&D 4E is going to be a 2009 release, I hope that it is already in the works. Why? Because that means Wizards has two years to design and playtest the game. Not every company enjoys such luxury.

EDIT: ...And the fact that Mike Mearls is working in the mechanics design team nowadays is a BIG hint in my book.
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)


Quote from: KoltarYou know what I just remembered?

 I didn't even buy D&D 3.0 !!
WOTC gave it to me for free , but thats a long boring story. (Wanna hear it ? Send me a PM or e-mail)

 That was the Player's Handbook I got for free.

I ran 3.0 before it was released. One of my players was a high-level DCI judge at that time, and he got a Beta version of the PHB. It had plain, light blue cardboard softcovers, and the interior pages were all B&W. By the time the actual book came out, my 2E campaign had switched to the new edition months ago. I think my friend still has that copy. :D
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)


Quote from: jdrakehWhat about you?

Yep. Will I continue to buy 4.0 products after the initial rulebooks? That remains to be seen.

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In a word, No.

Why because I am pissed off at WOTC.

First they announce the My Little Pony D20 game and then reveal its an April Fools Joke.

WOTC, you can't go around screwing with people emotions like that!

Screw you WOTC!!!

What?  :D


Quote from: jdrakehOr "anarchy". Free speech isn't "free" if the site owner makes it a point to personally attack all who post things that he disagrees with. What you have here isn't a site dedicated to free speech, but to your own personal self-gratification.

Dude, you must be quite the moron to have racked up 500+ posts and not have noticed how things work around here. I have all the power of any other poster, by choice granted, but it has been shown to be true. It isn't the "site owner" who attacks all who post things they disagree with, its just another guy on the site, who you will suffer no more punishment for arguing back with than if it was anyone else.

And, of course, on this site pretty much everyone is free to "attack" (your codeword for disagreeing in a direct way, I guess) the ideas, motivation, etc. of anyone else.   So yeah, its anarchy... :rolleyes:

Just like clearly, you are an innocent little lamb who didn't figure this out in 500 fucking posts, and not a nob who is now pulling this cheap hissy fit as an excuse to create DRAMA!, and run away from an argument as soon as the going gets tough. :rolleyes:

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