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I been mapping (a lot)

Started by estar, July 26, 2017, 11:04:36 AM

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Since I got done with a couple of paid project I been able to focus on mapping my own stuff.

Note that each hex is 12.5 miles or 5 leagues. It takes one hour to walk one league. Sailing ships can sail four hexes per four hour watch for a total of 24 hexes per day if the ship can be manned at all times.

In general color is vegetation, a pattern fill is terrain. The yellow/brown is cropland not desert and has a cross hatch pattern to make it looked plowed.


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Political Boundaries and an experiment in using colored transparent fills.

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The area around Viridistan expanded. Each small hex is 1 league and takes one hour to walk. Because Viridistan is not feudal each diamond represents a farming villa/estate rather than a manor.

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The Japanese centric Karian Islands

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The Legend

The Full View



Impressive as always Estar.


Your maps make me want to "go be in my bunk".


These are great! I love seeing other cartographer's styles, especially fantasy campaign cartography. Thanks!


Cool maps, are they part of your Magic Wilderlands world?


Quote from: Dumarest;978483Cool maps, are they part of your Magic Wilderlands world?

Yes they are part of my Majestic Wilderlands setting which is based on Judges Guild Wilderlands of High Fantasy.


Awesome maps. But one would expect no less.
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