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What makes a good RPG city write-up?

Started by Angelman, March 16, 2014, 10:28:06 AM

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Yeah, that's a good idea. Then there's a character through which the GM can present/convey the location. Thanks.
Writer, editor, and developer, FASA Games Inc. (Fading Suns: (FS3), FSR PG, FSR GMG; announced FS projects: Criticorum Discord, Merchant League, "The Darkness Project", Rise of the Phoenix)
Writer, editor, and developer, DramaScape (numerous projects)


Quote from: Ravenswing;736964Players want NPCs with whom to interact, and businesses in which to shop.
Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Players want NPCs they can kill, and businesses they can rob.

Simples! ;-)
Keeper of the Most Awesome and Glorious Book of Sigmar.
"Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and grows again." -- Gandalf
My Mod voice is nasal and rather annoying.

Artifacts of Amber

But then again don't fall into the trap that every NPC has to be interesting. Some of my most enjoyable NPC's have been very normal and bland. Now too much blandness is just as quick a killer as too many interesting people. Think about it, most shop keepers etc are boring and pedantic. I know it is a make believe world where the excitement is ratcheted up but to bring it to a level where every one has some secret or some interesting memorable quirk pulls me out of a game just as fast. I  think it is a balance of mundane and exotic that has to be reached.

Think about your last trip to the mall. How many people actually stick out in your mind. not many I wager. So go easy on the "Interesting" Npc's, because to paraphrase, if everyone is interesting then no one is!!

Just my thoughts.

PS : it is amazing how much attention a boring NPC will garner as PC's try to find out what their terrible secret or hidden agenda is, when they hurry the PC's out of their shop; when all they want to do is close up and go home, Like most merchants.

PSS - I am a boring shopkeeper BTW :)


Quote from: Dodger;737811Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Players want NPCs they can kill, and businesses they can rob.

Simples! ;-)
Huh.  Y'know, maybe there's scope for marketing a product called New Jack: City of Murderhobos, or some such.  Even the elite guard is by definition half the level of the weakest PC, merchants foul themselves in fear whenever a PC walks into the place, the young, comely and scantily clad cower into alley mouths and beg not to be raped, and all public statues have plover eggs the size of emeralds for eyes.

(Hrm.  I have this nagging feeling I got one of those bits wrong.)  :cheerleader:
This was a cool site, until it became an echo chamber for whiners screeching about how the "Evul SJWs are TAKING OVAH!!!" every time any RPG book included a non-"traditional" NPC or concept, or their MAGA peeners got in a twist. You're in luck, drama queens: the Taliban is hiring.

Old One Eye

I like drawings of what a city looks like to a bird flying over.


Quote from: Dodger;737811Players want NPCs they can kill, and businesses they can rob.
Not in my gaming groups they don't! :P

I think NPCs should strive to be interesting, although not necessarily awesome. Everyone (yes, even a "boring shopkeeper") have facinating sides that could be played up to make an encounter more interesting. Still, such minor NPCs is probably best described in 2-3 sentences, focusing on one aspect that signifies the NPC as an individual.

As for bird's view illustration, that would have been very cool indeed. I'll have to talk to the arts department about that :)
Writer, editor, and developer, FASA Games Inc. (Fading Suns: (FS3), FSR PG, FSR GMG; announced FS projects: Criticorum Discord, Merchant League, "The Darkness Project", Rise of the Phoenix)
Writer, editor, and developer, DramaScape (numerous projects)