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Confirmed: D&D Got Woke, Going Broke

Started by RPGPundit, August 11, 2023, 10:18:37 AM

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Quote from: Scooter on August 17, 2023, 12:33:20 PM
Quote from: Klytus on August 17, 2023, 11:00:18 AM
The fact that those sales numbers don't include Amazon makes them borderline worthless.

There is probably a multiplier that can be applied consistently to other channel figures to give a good idea of Amazon's numbers.  5:1 is probably close.  5X the figures above for Amazon 

I'm not sure it would be that high...

This is Wotzi's breakdown from 2017:

Toys R' Us is deader than Cardi B's virtue.

So where did its sales go as of 2018:

So Amazon and everything else combined got about half of the Toys R' Us sales...

IF this overall breakdown is still holds more or less true; We have a Rough 32/68 split of big box stores vs. everything else. (i.e. Amazon and Hobby shops...)

This is about a x3.1 multiplier

Assuming all this SWAG guessing holds any water; applied to the number given by PDM of 1,563,586 it would put the overall PHB sales somewhere around 4.8 million PHB's sold to date.

That's still a lotta sales...

Someone more savvy than me should be able to pull a more current sales breakdown from Hasbro.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."


Quote from: Jaeger on August 17, 2023, 05:14:52 PM

I'm not sure it would be that high...

This is about a x3.1 multiplier

Assuming all this SWAG guessing holds any water; applied to the number given by PDM of 1,563,586 it would put the overall PHB sales somewhere around 4.8 million PHB's sold to date.

That's still a lotta sales...

Someone more savvy than me should be able to pull a more current sales breakdown from Hasbro.

Thanks for the work and the numbers!
There is no saving throw vs. stupidity


Quote from: Omega on August 16, 2023, 07:09:57 PM
I'm surprised wotc has not come out and claimed the lagging sales was because of all those horrible right wing -ists who hate diversity and progress.

They didn't because they were hoping no one would ever find it out, and wanted to create the LIE that Radiant Citadel was the greatest most successful product ever and it won an ENnie and the Diana Jones Award combined, so it must be good and that proves that critical theory is good and liked.
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Quote from: Mistwell on August 17, 2023, 10:07:14 AM
Quote from: RPGPundit on August 15, 2023, 06:14:30 AM
Right now, D&D is doing so "well" in its sales that it's seriously in doubt whether WotC will even bother to publish dead-tree books after the three core OneDnD books, at all. And in fact, they may even choose not to do so just as a way to be able to fire the useless trash that have produced the recent books without being accused of being 'racists' or 'transphobes'.

It's not at all seriously in doubt. Name one single legit source that has expressed that doubt? They've said directly they will publish dead tree books and while it's fair to call them liars basing that on your personal opinion and then declaring your own opinion the "seriously in doubt" evidence is silly.

1. Someone please screenshot or archive the above post. I have the feeling that within 48 months it will be useful to post as an I Told You So.

2. Steps are already on their way.

3. Other people besides myself, who also have contacts and insight into WotC activity, have been thinking the same thing is going to happen. Including Prof. Dungeon Master in the video where he revealed the abysmal sales of the recent D&D adventures. The ones full of wokeness, which NO ONE WANTS.

4. The Edition Change and launch of the VTT is the perfect moment for Hasbro to restructure WotC and get rid of a bunch of communist narcissistic psychopaths, of which something around 100 of whom, almost none of them with any real experience in game design, and many of whom had literally never played D&D and have no interest in doing so (being instead qualified as vegan cookbook authors, and young adult novelists, and professional degenerates, and people Ajit George hopes to get a blowjob from), are being subsidized by WotC as a Virtue Signal that (in light of the awful books the produce) is costing WotC far more than the pittance they're actually venmo-ing to these losers. But you see, WotC couldn't ever fire them normally without being called Racist and/or Transphobic. BUT if they just 'shift' to the VTT, and to making VTT adventures that are more like dungeon crawls or skirmishing than about Questioning Your Sexuality In a Magical Starbucks While Planning For Prom While Your Life is a Hot Mess (literally a D&D setting now), they can just stop contracting all those parasites. They think the money is in VTT anyways, but getting rid of the dead weight that just keeps growing and growing as the activists demand more and more of their friends get checks too, that's a sweet plus.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Quote from: Klytus on August 17, 2023, 11:00:18 AM
The fact that those sales numbers don't include Amazon makes them borderline worthless. Millennials and Zoomer, who are the majority market for 5E, do almost all their shopping on Amazon, where the D&D books have been consistent bestsellers.

They still apply comparatively. I mean, it's possible in theory that on Amazon the splatbooks sold zero and Strixhaven sold 1 billion copies, but it's vastly more likely that the proportions are going to be pretty close to the same ones in bookstores.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
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