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Cons and Holiday Weekends

Started by Rezendevous, March 18, 2007, 03:19:31 PM

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I was discussing this with someone on a local gaming forum, and neither of us was able to figure this out.  Why are gaming (and other) cons so often scheduled over holiday weekends?  I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but I couldn't figure it out.  The practice always seemed odd to me.


I expect it's to give folk more downtime after the con or more time at the con.
My LiveJournal - What I'm reviewing and occasional thoughts on the industry from a reviewer's perspective.


(a) Even people who work weekends will often have holiday weekends off.

(b) Hotels are likely to have low occupancy as most people will be home with family.
-- Bryan Lovely

Tyberious Funk

Last year, there was a convention held in Melbourne (Phantasmacon??) on the weekend of the AFL (Football) Grand Final.  To give non-Australians some perspective on this - Australian Rules Football is the biggest sport in Melbourne, which is generally regarded as the sporting capital of Australia (and quite possible the most sporting-mad city in the world).  
Being a geek isn't always mutually exclusive of enjoying sports.