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Confirmed: D&D Got Woke, Going Broke

Started by RPGPundit, August 11, 2023, 10:18:37 AM

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I had been predicting this for quite some time, and now there's proof!
#dnd5e #dnd #osr #ttrpg

LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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 :o  Did... did you just tell us you knew that WOTC was suffering flagging sales of 5e books because you used magic?
>Blade Runner RPG
Terrible idea, overwhelming majority of ttrpg players can't pass Voight-Kampff test.
    - Anonymous


Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: BadApple on August 11, 2023, 11:40:58 AM
:o  Did... did you just tell us you knew that WOTC was suffering flagging sales of 5e books because you used magic?

You didn't know he's a real believer in ocultism? Not satanism some other thing.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell

Jam The MF

Used Copies of the D&D 5E Hardcover Books, exist in great abundance; so there is No Need for anyone to buy the new "wokified" copies of their books.  When they removed the names of creators from their books, to appease the woke mob; they betrayed their creators.  It only got worse, from there on.

They have announced that new improved D&D, is coming soon.  It may be new, but I seriously doubt it will be improved.

They sharted their britches, with the OGL boondoggle.  They created a lot of gaming enemies, who will never purchase a single product or service from them again.  They made their bed, and now they will have to sleep in it.

WOTC doesn't care about us.  They never truly did.
Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.

Jam The MF

Quote from: GeekyBugle on August 11, 2023, 12:44:10 PM
Quote from: BadApple on August 11, 2023, 11:40:58 AM
:o  Did... did you just tell us you knew that WOTC was suffering flagging sales of 5e books because you used magic?

You didn't know he's a real believer in ocultism? Not satanism some other thing.

Everyone I know, believes in something.  The real question is; does The RPG Pundit produce good RPG content, that is usable?  I say yes.
Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.


Quote from: GeekyBugle on August 11, 2023, 12:44:10 PM
Quote from: BadApple on August 11, 2023, 11:40:58 AM
:o  Did... did you just tell us you knew that WOTC was suffering flagging sales of 5e books because you used magic?

You didn't know he's a real believer in ocultism? Not satanism some other thing.


Honestly, I'm more weirded out by the idea of using magic to ascertain sales records.  I suppose if you're going to invest in a put against WOTC it might be valuable...
>Blade Runner RPG
Terrible idea, overwhelming majority of ttrpg players can't pass Voight-Kampff test.
    - Anonymous


Quote from: Jam The MF on August 11, 2023, 02:00:26 PM

WOTC doesn't care about us.  They never truly did.

A bit louder for the boys in the back, please. Because, QFT.


I'm on my cigarrette boat, margarita in hand, watching the Titanic go down.

I'm about to get my bazooka out to hit those lifeboats. But I've got time. I'm enjoying the show.

Thorn Drumheller

Quote from: tenbones on August 11, 2023, 03:22:32 PM
I'm on my cigarrette boat, margarita in hand, watching the Titanic go down.

I'm about to get my bazooka out to hit those lifeboats. But I've got time. I'm enjoying the show.

Oh gawds this was funny. Thanks for the laugh tenbones.

As I watched the video, thinking about the WotC execs. I feel, they truly do not grasp, at a fundamental level, what around the table role playing games are. I feel they are literally trying to shove D&D into this "virtual" box that was never meant to fit D&D.

So yeah. I'll happily watch the titantic sink. I've moved on from WotC and I'm okay and having fun.

Funny thing is I (and others in my same boat) probably have more disposable income than the audience that WotC is trying to court.
Member in good standing of COSM.


The actual GAME D&D died with 2nd Edition.  Nothing produced by WotC has been anything but, "in name only".
There is no saving throw vs. stupidity


Given the massive success of Baldur's Gate 3, I doubt D&D will ever die out as a brand in any of our live times, and WotKKK isn't going away any time soon either.

D&D books, however, might be about to get phased away. Specially since WotKKK is hellbent on digitalizing everything. And with BG3's success they'll just take it as a signal that D&D needs to be turned into a video game more than ever.

Thor's Nads

Quote from: Scooter on August 11, 2023, 06:50:36 PM
The actual GAME D&D died with 2nd Edition.  Nothing produced by WotC has been anything but, "in name only".

That is a pretty harsh assessment. I was one of those who despised 2e when it came out, but I have since come to see at as being too much D&D.

What I mean is D&D has always been a game where individual groups modified and made up their own rules to augment the official rules. What 2nd edition did, instead of the designers really hammering out the best possible game they could just made every possible variant rule available. So there was not longer an official D&D, but thousands of D&D's where each group continued to do what they do: make up their own rules. But now instead of being based on one set of rules these group's modifications were based on multiple variants.

Eventually no one played D&D even remotely similarly. You couldn't easily hop from one game to the next.

But even then it was still D&D. What is happening now with wokeness is they are stripping everything interesting from the game and it is all one politically correct gray soup, variations are only surface now. An elf cannot be different from a dwarf because species racism or something. They've lost their minds.


2e was the greatest of the old, pre-WotC D&D editions. And 3e failed only in terms of bloat and balance, but it still remained close enough (but "modernized") to D&D in my book. 4e and 5e deviated too much from the original rules to truly be D&D in anything but name. Though, I still prefer 5e at this point. Probably, cuz it's simple enough to not get in the way, good enough to get plenty of stuff accomplished, and I haven't played it enough to get sick of its flaws.

David Johansen

Quote from: Jam The MF on August 11, 2023, 02:00:26 PM
WOTC doesn't care about us.  They never truly did.

Corporations only care about their quarterly profits.  They don't care about the bandwagon they care about the sales.  They do care about people as people buy product but they don't care about individuals unless they have some cachet or influence.

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