It looks like a fun con. It's Andy Hopp's convention!
I likes the pictures here:
Let me know if anyone is going to this. I want to go, but I don't know if I can convince the usual suspects to come with me...
Also they had fun musical guests. Last year it was Worm Quartet. This year it will be Stratos. And lots of gamin'.
Hrm. Maaaaaybe!
My son wants to play in the Guitar Hero Eternal Jamnation. If I can work out transportation, we'll go. That's far, far from a given, though.
I'd love to. That con seems really well-organized, with a great heart behind it and a nice range of fun activities for a wide range of gamers (and their kids). Plus, their website kicks ass. For me, though, it's the incredible quantity of Savage Worlds games they run, with some big players from Pinnacle that really makes me want to go.
I'd love to go to that one. Andy is always a super nice guy at GenCon every year. The darn con is even in my state and 3 to 4 hours driving time from where I live.
BIG PROBLEM: Upper management is not allowing us vacation time days after October 1st till the end of the year, I'm also the store's assistant manager. Its holiday shopping season, its a retail store - it kind of sucks...but I keep my job.
Love to go .
Andy himself invited me directly when he & I talked at GenCon.
Only way it would work - if I left from Cincy just as my shift was ending on Saturday (mid-afternoon) I'd get there around 6 or 7pm, spend the night at the con...and hopefully have all day Sunday off.
I can't count on that tho.
- Ed C.