Malicious code was found on the site, which has been removed, but would have been able to access files and the database, revealing email addresses, posts, and encoded passwords (which would need to be decoded). However, there is no direct evidence that any such activity occurred. REGARDLESS, BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. And as is good practice, remember to never use the same password on more than one site. While performing housekeeping, we also decided to upgrade the forums.
This is a site for discussing roleplaying games. Have fun doing so, but there is one major rule: do not discuss political issues that aren't directly and uniquely related to the subject of the thread and about gaming. While this site is dedicated to free speech, the following will not be tolerated: devolving a thread into unrelated political discussion, sockpuppeting (using multiple and/or bogus accounts), disrupting topics without contributing to them, and posting images that could get someone fired in the workplace (an external link is OK, but clearly mark it as Not Safe For Work, or NSFW). If you receive a warning, please take it seriously and either move on to another topic or steer the discussion back to its original RPG-related theme.

Bring forth the holy lawsuit of Antioch!

Started by Ronin, June 11, 2010, 09:01:38 PM

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Captain Rufus

I'm sure reality is somewhere in between, but all reports say that old Steve is a difficult guy to work with.

Apparently that's the reason we can't even get legally emulated versions of Autoduel and Ogre.

"Why would anybody want those old games?"

Oh I dunno.  I guess that's why people still play Pac Man and all..


Quote from: Captain Rufus;393696I'm sure reality is somewhere in between, but all reports say that old Steve is a difficult guy to work with.

Apparently that's the reason we can't even get legally emulated versions of Autoduel and Ogre.

"Why would anybody want those old games?"

Oh I dunno.  I guess that's why people still play Pac Man and all..

Or why some people still love old movies.
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.


Quote from: Captain Rufus;393696Apparently that's the reason we can't even get legally emulated versions of Autoduel and Ogre.

Actually, abrasive personalities have nothing to do with the legal release of those digital games. The original publisher (Origins Systems IIRC) was bought up years ago, and that buyer was bought up, and then dismantled, and then . . . well, you get the picture. The question of "who has the legal right to release these games?" is not an easy one to answer, and even if your lawyer tracks down the proper digital company, convincing them that they have the legal rights isn't an easy task, and one that would take years and many, many phone calls.
Paul Chapman
Marketing Director
Steve Jackson Games


Quote from: Cylonophile;393630Once again a jackson fhanboi defends his lord.

For fuck sake Cy, give it a rest already. Seriously dude, what did you do, program your computer to alert you every time Koltar posts here so you can hop and respond with yet another shitty-gram? Gods, I spend less time obsessing over the words and actions of women I want to fuck than you do over some fat (sorry Koltar but svelte is not among the many positive descriptors that apply to you), bearded guy in another state you claim to hate.  It's even more sad given the fact that you're on his ignore list so he can't see all your little love notes. Let it go, jog the fuck on and spare us all your incessant and futile efforts to woo the man already.



There ought to be some middle ground where IP holders and interested developers can mix it up and find out who owns the rights to what. It all sounds unnecessarily complicated and the only party who seems to get fucked is the consumer. Again.
"See you on the Other Side"
Playing: Nothing
Running: Nothing
Planning: pathfinder amongst other things
Playing every Sunday in Bexleyheath, Kent, UK 6pm til late...


Quote from: Mechgogo;393780For fuck sake Cy, give it a rest already. Seriously dude, what did you do, program your computer to alert you every time Koltar posts here so you can hop and respond with yet another shitty-gram? Gods, I spend less time obsessing over the words and actions of women I want to fuck than you do over some fat (sorry Koltar but svelte is not among the many positive descriptors that apply to you), bearded guy in another state you claim to hate.  It's even more sad given the fact that you're on his ignore list so he can't see all your little love notes. Let it go, jog the fuck on and spare us all your incessant and futile efforts to woo the man already.


For fucks' sake, Me, where were you when coal tar was haraSSING A USER ON sjg FORUMS UNTIL THAT USER SBNAPPED AT HIM AND HE GOT BANNED?
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.

One Horse Town

Quote from: Cylonophile;393782For fucks' sake, Me, where were you when coal tar was haraSSING A USER ON sjg FORUMS UNTIL THAT USER SBNAPPED AT HIM AND HE GOT BANNED?

Ah, cap-lock, the tool of the unstable.


Quote from: Cylonophile;393782For fucks' sake, Me, where were you when coal tar was haraSSING A USER ON sjg FORUMS UNTIL THAT USER SBNAPPED AT HIM AND HE GOT BANNED?

Well, lesse, if it happened any time in the past year I was on a self-imposed perma-ban from the site due to the aforementioned falling out I had with the company. And speaking of which, thank you for trolling my journal to support your own foam-flecked rantings. Nicely done that. Gods, I got screwed twice as hard by the company as you did and haven't done one-tenth your wigging out over it.

If it happened before I parted ways with SJG there is a very high level of probability that I was too busy A)Spending time with one of my wives B)Spending time with one of my girlfriends C) Gaming with actual people in real life D)Working to support my family or E) Engaged in any one of a multitude of activities generally falling under the heading "Dude, I've got better things to do with my life than live online e-stalking some guy I bear an inexplicable and irrational hatred of despite never having met in the real world."

Seriously man, wherever all this rage is coming from I suspect the true source is a little closer to home than some middle-aged geek in Ohio. Maybe if you tried fixing whatever rainbow of shit was broken inside you you wouldn't have the time or inclination to spend your days flinging your feces at someone who has you on iggy.

Ahhhh the internet. Giving absolutely everyone somebody they can look to and say "At least I'm not that poor, pitiful bastard."


As often as you mention all your wives and girlfriends I am entirely unsurprised that you jump to koltar's defense.

The Butcher

I can't really speak for everyone, but I don't give a fuck about the Koltar-Cylonophile-Mechgogo [strike]love[/strike] drama triangle. Hell, I don't care about SJG. At. All.

Can we go back to dissing Palladium? I suggest you girls open up your own thread to discuss your complicated relationship with each other and Steve Jackson.


Someone help me out, here. Which one's Larry, which one's Curly, and which one's Moe?


Quote from: two_fishes;393800Someone help me out, here. Which one's Larry, which one's Curly, and which one's Moe?

The creepy one.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Quote from: Mechgogo;393780...................  It's even more sad given the fact that you're on his ignore list so he can't see all your little love notes...................

Full Disclosure Here: Sometime in the past week or two Pundit told me to go ahead and take Cylonophile off of my ignore list. It was just getting too weird trying follow some thread conversations without seeing what he had posted.

I've already posted 4 or 5 times on the original topic of the thread here.  Kevin S. will start losing these lawsuits sooner or later because the concept of a 'Rift' in SciFi anbd Fantasy has become much more commonplace in visual fiction (see my earlier post).
In person, Kevin was a damn nice guy , both he anbd his wife (at the time) gave a lot to the charity Jail at ORIGINS in Columbus and they both good sports and played along with being jailed.

I have no bias against those that enjoy Palledium/RIFTS games - heck I already mentiuoned the local reasaon why I would be biased in favor of trying a game session or two - because of the fellow gamers that mioght be involved.

Often, WHO you might be gaming with and whether or not they are likely good company outweighs whether or not you like the game system that may be involved. Heck, RIFTS with its over-the-top Kitchenb sink included goofriness is so close to either GURPS or TORG - I'd probably love playing a session or two of it.

There are many, many on here who I obviously disagree with on some of their politics - but I already know because of both public and PM discussions that they're generally good people and likely pretty fun to game with.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...



Ok, first, I'm closing this thread.

Second, Cylonophile, you make a personal attack against Koltar again, and you're banned. I've given you more than enough warnings about this.

Koltar, same goes to you.

And just for the sake of snipping things in the bud: hey new guy.. yeah, "mechgogo"?
You try to turn every post about how many women you're fucking or something like that? You'll get banned too. Nobody here cares how much of a degenerate you are, but I've seen you post like five times, and I've seen five mentions of the fact that you have multiple wives.
That's not a "lifestyle", that's just drawing attention to yourself. The fact that you are unable to fit in with social norms may not always be something to be ashamed about, but its certainly nothing to be bragging about, and its nothing any of us give a fuck about. So stop bringing it up every other fucking post.  Let's see if you actually have anything important to say or to make you worthy of notice aside from how much of a man you think you are. Like, say, talking about RPGs.

If someone wants to keep talking about Siembieda's lawsuit, they can start a new thread.  
If any those three mentioned in this post feel that taking a valiant stand against "the man" is the way to go, feel free to post a thread about it on the Help desk forum. No doubt you'll get all the Swine and Pundit-haters to roll out and talk about what a Tyrant I am for threatening to ban someone once every six months or so. And then I'll probably ban you, and maybe one or two of the aforementioned Swine.
Or, again, you could just stick to talking about RPGs from now on.

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