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Bring forth the holy lawsuit of Antioch!

Started by Ronin, June 11, 2010, 09:01:38 PM

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Quote from: Novastar;391698So do a lot of Palladium fanboys, which I think is part of the problem.

I'm not sure I'd want to play a game that emulated Robotech "the right way"; everything blows up after one hit!

I will say, much as I like Robotech, no it does not emulate the source material. It's closer to Battletech, IMO. But I still find it a lot of fun to play.

Gods help the guy who brings the wrong soda to your game...

Daedalus: This is a Coca-cola only house!

New Guy: Hey, hope you can make an except...

Daedalus: Get out of my house, you Pepsi freak!


Sorry Daedalus, you're just hitting me with shades of "One True Game(r)", which I've never understood. I understand there are personalities and expectations that just wouldn't gel with your group; hell, even I've had to throw someone out of the group before. I just find it questionable painting the entirety of anyone who plays, or has ever played, Palladium with that brush.
I kinda wonder if he boots people out for their politics too. I knew some real asshole gamers who basically harassed and abused other players for voting democrat or being against republican candidates. They'd fuck them over as GMs and players, kill their characters, screw up everything they tried to do, etc. Fucking conservative assholes...
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.


Quote from: Cylonophile;391768I kinda wonder if he boots people out for their politics too. I knew some real asshole gamers who basically harassed and abused other players for voting democrat or being against republican candidates. They'd fuck them over as GMs and players, kill their characters, screw up everything they tried to do, etc. Fucking conservative assholes...

You are just being stupid at this point.

The way a person votes, what they drink or what religion they are has nothing to do with how someone games and does not effect gaming.  Playing a certain type of game which causes a certain playstyle is.

But nice strawman, however the only thing I care about is how people play.  The hobby is supposed to be fun and I kick out bad players who will ruin my fun.

Palladium players meet that criteria


Quote from: Novastar;391698So do a lot of Palladium fanboys, which I think is part of the problem.

If this is true, then this is one thing I can agree with Palladium Fans.  They have the right idea.

Quote from: Novastar;391698I'm not sure I'd want to play a game that emulated Robotech "the right way"; everything blows up after one hit!

I will say, much as I like Robotech, no it does not emulate the source material. It's closer to Battletech, IMO. But I still find it a lot of fun to play.

I have played both Robotech and Battletech and I didn't find that either fed my Mecha itch.  I ended up having design my own game and used Robotech as an example of what not to do when designing a Mecha game.

I guess Robotech is good for people who play at a certain level or are new to role playing games, and more advanced players play something else.

Quote from: Novastar;391698Gods help the guy who brings the wrong soda to your game...

Snip - Pointless Strawman that has nothing to do with the subject at hand

Quote from: Novastar;391698Sorry Daedalus, you're just hitting me with shades of "One True Game(r)", which I've never understood. I understand there are personalities and expectations that just wouldn't gel with your group; hell, even I've had to throw someone out of the group before.

No, "One True Way" is the mindset that you either play a certain way or you aren't playing role playing games correctly.  I am not saying that Palladium players are not playing games incorrectly, I am simply stating that they play in a certain style that is not fun for me and tend to ruin my fun, so they aren't welcome at my games.

Quote from: Novastar;391698I just find it questionable painting the entirety of anyone who plays, or has ever played, Palladium with that brush.

Palladium Gamers are munchkins, it's just the nature of the game and I have played with enough Palladium gamers to know I am right.  Thus the game with your own kind mindset.

This hobby is supposed to be fun, that is a given.   Also, we are a hobby that has a shrinking gamer pool because there is so much out there that are easier to play (Instant Gratification) and not as many people are coming into the hobby.

Do you really want to lose more people by forcing them to game with people who game in a way that isn't fun?  Because if you force people to play with gamers who have a certian gamestyle that isn't fun, they are going to say screw it and leave the hobby.  Shrinking the gamer pool even more.

No gaming is better then bad gaming


Quote from: Daedalus;391789Palladium players meet that criteria

Again, they do not.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Quote from: Daedalus;391791Palladium Gamers are munchkins, it's just the nature of the game and I have played with enough Palladium gamers to know I am right.  

Give an exact number.  How many?  2?  5?  10?  20?

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Of the hardcore Palladium players I've known over the years, almost every single one of them really likes 3E/3.5E D&D.  Just about every single one of them absolutely hates 1E AD&D, and 2E AD&D without the options books (ie. Player's Options, the Complete * Handbooks, etc ...).


Quote from: thedungeondelver;391794Give an exact number.  How many?  2?  5?  10?  20?

I've met around 10+ hardcore Palladium  players over the years.  Though I've never played any Palladium games with them.

These were individuals who were always talking about RIFTS stuff, whether it was the fluff or the crunch.  In our 3E/3.5E games, they were always making comments about various 3E/3.5E rules and comparing them to equivalent rules in RIFTS and other Palladium games.  Whenever I visited these individuals' homes, they showed me their bookcases stuffed full of Palladium books.  One person had almost every RIFTS book released.


Quote from: thedungeondelver;391793Again, they do not.

Yes, yes they do.  Look, I am not going to continue to debate this point.

Palladium players have a certain type of game style that comes from the type of games they play (Palladium's games).   They are poor gamers and I do not want to game with them.

You can debate this all you want, they will never be allowed in my group and if someone gets in my group who is Palladium fan they will get kicked out right away.

Gaming is supposed to be fun, and I would rather quit the hobby and play MMORPGS then play with Palladium Gamers, I like to game with high quality gamers and Palladium gamers, sadly are a low quality of gamer.

So no, I am not going to shut up and accept everyone because the hobby can't afford to lose gamers.   I want my gaming to continue to be fun and I am going to keep out gamers who would ruin my fun.   In this case, Palladium players.  They can play with their own kind, not in my group.



Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Quote from: thedungeondelver;391815Then your statistical method is flawed.  Reason: sample size too small.

I never claimed any statistical significance.  I said from the start, it was people I've known over the years who I knew were hardcore Palladium fans.

If I was making a statistical statement, I would have included other measures such as the variance, and arguments as to whether there are inherent biases and/or problems in the sample set.


Quote from: ggroy;391819I never claimed any statistical significance.  I said from the start, it was people I've known over the years who I knew were hardcore Palladium fans.

If I was making a statistical statement, I would have included other measures such as the variance, and arguments as to whether there are inherent biases and/or problems in the sample set.


mea culpa, in the rush to post the message I thought I was responding to Daedalus.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Quote from: thedungeondelver;391815Reason: sample size too small.

By the way.  What would be considered an appropriate sample size?

One Horse Town

Quote from: Cylonophile;391495One thing is that fatbeard boy is always dropping these hints about what a laides man he is and what a big badass he is. He's always talking about girlfriends and how he tells people he doesn't approve of to "just walk away" form his games and how he was picked as a bodyguard form some un named trek celebrity to keep the "fhanboys" away.

I mean, PUH LEEZE! His bullshit just gets on people's nerves with him always claiming to have girlfriends and to be a badass. Christ, I know at least one person who'd dearly love to give him a chance to prove what a badass he is in person.

Also, he once had an avatar of him standing next to some woman in costume, and she looked like she was about to gag.

So that's a big part of why some people hate him, he's just so stunningly full of shit it annoys some people.

Ha! I've just caught up on this thread and came across this gem.

You're actually jealous of Koltar? That's comedy gold right there. :rotfl:

Now back to the usual Palladium hate!


Quote from: One Horse Town;391923Ha! I've just caught up on this thread and came across this gem.

You're actually jealous of Koltar? That's comedy gold right there. :rotfl:

Now back to the usual Palladium hate!
It's more a case of being insulted by him expecting everyone to believe his bullshit...
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.


Back on topic, I admit that some palladium players might be annoying, just like some D&D players, some hero system players, some d6 players, some d20 players ad infinitum might be annoying.

But something worse, IMO, is the people who seem to want palladium to die, apparently so they can dance on it's grave and taunt palladium gamers with shit like "Nyah! Nyah! Your favorite game id dead! Haw! Haw! Haw!"

Really, people, KS' foolish and self destructive business practices may make people sigh, shake their heads and roll their eyes, but people who want the company to die just to taunt the players make me want to bitch slap them.
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.