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Bob the World Builder's D&D Survey results

Started by honeydipperdavid, July 01, 2024, 03:41:10 AM

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Now Bob the World Builder is on WotC's list of youtubers they use to send out content to get reviewed.  He put out a survey matching the last survey from WotC on satisfaction with D&D.  Here are the results:



How do you feel about Wizards of the Coast

28%: I hate this company
50.6% I don't like this company
18.6% I'm neutral on this company
2.6% I like this company
0.2% I love this company

So WotC really has gotten people to hate them at some really high levels.


Yes, it helps to explain why the kickstarters for Shadowdark and DC20 were so successful. More and more people are done with WotC. However, D&D 5e also has a cult following who will continue to spend huge amounts of money on the game even if they dislike WotC.


Looking at the questions; WotC may be hated, but most of those questions still like to love D&D, but don't think it will be heading in a good direction in the future.

Ground seems right for someone to pull a Pathfinder on early 5e (basically they'd need to backfill equivalent feats and subclasses into the CC SRD5.1).


Quote from: Rhymer88 on July 01, 2024, 03:49:00 AMYes, it helps to explain why the kickstarters for Shadowdark and DC20 were so successful. More and more people are done with WotC. However, D&D 5e also has a cult following who will continue to spend huge amounts of money on the game even if they dislike WotC.

Or also just DONT KNOW that other games exist.

I took some extra Basic Fantasy books that I bought to a local comic/games shop. 
They had no idea it existed at all.  They only knew of 5e.

I told them theres a whole world of OSR games out there.


Quote from: Chris24601 on July 01, 2024, 08:41:07 AMLooking at the questions; WotC may be hated, but most of those questions still like to love D&D, but don't think it will be heading in a good direction in the future.

Ground seems right for someone to pull a Pathfinder on early 5e (basically they'd need to backfill equivalent feats and subclasses into the CC SRD5.1).

I think that's already been done with Level Up Advanced 5e. Between that, Tales of the Valiant, and buying used WotC books secondhand nobody who wants to play 5e has to give money to WotC if they don't want to.
"I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it."     
- Groucho Marx

Crusader X

Quote from: Chris24601 on July 01, 2024, 08:41:07 AMGround seems right for someone to pull a Pathfinder on early 5e (basically they'd need to backfill equivalent feats and subclasses into the CC SRD5.1).

If Pundit put out a lean and mean version of 5e with nice art that portrayed adventurers actually adventuring, and not baking cookies or going to proms, I would buy it. 

Man at Arms

Quote from: Crusader X on July 01, 2024, 05:47:51 PM
Quote from: Chris24601 on July 01, 2024, 08:41:07 AMGround seems right for someone to pull a Pathfinder on early 5e (basically they'd need to backfill equivalent feats and subclasses into the CC SRD5.1).

If Pundit put out a lean and mean version of 5e with nice art that portrayed adventurers actually adventuring, and not baking cookies or going to proms, I would buy it. 

I would also consider a purchase, myself.