I'm looking to try out VTTs, and wanted to to ask if anyone had any suggestions of maps. It has been ages since I followed this sector of the hobby, but there must be some talented artists our there. And, yes, I would prefer to spend some money and support the talent. So, who are some digital designers these days? And ideally looking for a mix of environments: tavern, town, castle, dungeon....I want to put Foundry through some test runs. TIA.
I haven't used Foundry yet.
I like tabletop simulator myself. You can actually import 3D assets in that one. The Unity Asset Store has a ton to choose from.
I use Roll20. I'd say Gabriel Pickard makes the best mapping assets, if you're looking to build your own.
Thanks for the Pickard tip, S'mom...exactly what I was looking for.
I use a ton of these. Search for Maps and Play Aids on DrivethruRPG for a massive selection. You don't have to specifically choose the VTT submenu. A lot of these images are massive in size which causes problems with Roll20, not sure about Foundry. To get around that you can donwnload GIMP (free image editor) and reduce the image quality to make it smaller. Its not really a noticeable difference on the screen.
All or most of this stuff is heavily discounted every time there is a sale.
A few of the ones I like:
-Heroic Maps is the Cadillac. A huge assortment of generic and specific maps/tiles including inventive multi floor maps that allow you to do things not feasible on a real tabletop.
-Black Scrolls has a number of very nice sets of tiles for building towns, castles, inns and the like. Even a WW1 trench set.
-Loke Battlemats have a lot of good, low price generic terrain maps.
-DM Philosophy has a large selection and the maps better lend themselves to RPG encounters than some other.
But really, thats just a start. There is a near unlimited amount on there for any genre.
Great suggestions, Conanist! And I would like to add two of the artists that I had forgot about from my 3.0 days, but just recovered.
Skeleton Key Games maps: https://www.skeletonkeygames.com/
0one Games: https://www.0onegames.com
I like Skeleton Key Games maps, but the tile arranging programs that I'm away of, other than Tiamat the Tile Mapper (http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=tiamat) seem to have largely decayed, and I could never find the tiles I wanted in the Tiamat user interface. What do folks use today to make maps out of those tiles?
And if you are playing a game that doesn't already have support in something like Fantasy Grounds or Roll20 I've found Owlvear Rodeo (https://www.owlbear.rodeo/) a very convenient, free Virtual Tabletop.