Just ran my first game of BASH Supers (http://www.bashrpg.com (http://www.bashrpg.com)) and it was awesome :haw:
The first half hour was character creation for four people (including my villain) who had never read the rules or played the game before. We had:
White Ghost - An incorporeal hero.
Fireball - A pyro dude
Sumonami - A brick with the Sumo Stomp power.
In 1 1/2 hours we had a couple of combats. The first was in a bank with three heroes and 4 bank robbers (thugs). The combat was over in 4 panels (about 12 seconds) and the thugs were taken out without much trouble.
The second combat was in a college chem lab. The three heroes had to fight off 4 ninjas and my super villain, Jade Dragon! The combat lasted 5 panels and took longer than the first combat.
Some observations:
1. The combats took longer than I expected. BASH is touted as a fast/quick play game. And it does play fast but having to subtract numbers like 72-48 in the heat of combat took a few moments and slowed things down. With more games, I expect the combats to go quicker.
2. The standard ninjas in the book are immensely powerful because of their Deflect power. This allows them to dodge/parry physical attacks and had a very high ranking compared to most peoples attack scores. I will tweak these ninjas for my game.
3. It took my players about an hour to get out of their 3.5 mindset (the game we play most often). By the end of the night, one-liners were being tossed left and right ("Class dismissed!" Sumonami yells as he stomps in the Chem classroom). The players started getting creative. Fireball grabbed a Ninja, flew out of the classroom and dropped him. The ninja took fire (burn) damage and then falling damage. Very inventive.
Anyone else have had fun playing BASH?
Of course! But I am biased :D
I like the concept of your group. Incorporeal heroes are fun-- especially ones who use Telekinesis to "look" like they are picking things up and throwing them.
As for the ninja, that may have been an error of mine-- I think a x3 defense should have been good enough for them. As far as defense, minions don't roll-- just "take 7" instead- they have a static attack and defense value, making it so that Heroes have to roll well-- not that the minions have to roll bad AND Heroes roll well!
Let me know how the next one goes, I always like hearing feedback from players!