I am currently working on a system for an RPG I am working on...I'll try to sum up real quick.
The player rolls a d10 and adds their skill rating to the roll (ranged or close combat skill) and any modifiers (up to the GM if any are used.) The opponent rolls a d10 and adds their skill modifer for avoiding it (athlethics for ranged and close combat for melee or hand-to-hand skill) and any modifiers. If the defender's total is higher, nothing happens. If the attacker's total is higher, they subtract the defender's roll and use a small chart to determine damage. They look for their total and their weapon rating (high, medium or low) and that gives them the amount of damage done. If the damage exceeds their physical stat, they are dying and if wounded, they suffer a penalty equal to the damage taken so far.
This is taking out special actions and that, I just focused on the core.
sound good to me. how does armor figure into it?
i like charts, they give an old-school feel to things IMO.
Sounds good. If possible, I'd try to make the chart simple enough to either memorize or formulize.
Sorry about the slow replies, limited internet access lately.
Armor takes one point of damage off the determined result. It's a modern game, so I figure one to two points worth for most items. I do also have an "armor" power which takes off one point of damage per rating point. Damage comes off the physical stat, so there are not a lot of health points. One issue I was really thinking about "one hit kills" vs "500 clip kills."
I don't have the text in front of me but low damage is half the final result, medium is final rating -2, and high is final rating.
Looks good. I'd love to see the damage chart. I loves me some damage charts.
One thing you could do (although I dunno if it gets you anything) is make the weapon add to the final score. So instead of low/med/high weapons, you can have a slightly more granular scale--and you only need to total everything and look up one chart.
Armor could be the opposite of a weapon, subtracting from the total.