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So help me, I'm making a RIFTS character.

Started by Dr Rotwang!, March 15, 2007, 01:32:53 PM

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You're alllllllllll wrong.


Awww yeah...
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver

Tom B

It's really a shame.  I played the Palladium FRPG for several years back in the '80s, and had a fun time.  At that time, we didn't worry too much about the mechanics...it was all about the plot and characters.  I think I would have preferred Rifts...but it came out too late.

The most high-powered, ubermunchkinized, over-the-top, hellbound superoverexcessive game I ever played in was a Palladium game.  The GM did it intentionally, and it was actually the most intense six month campaign I have *ever* been in.  It was an utter blast, but I was left with a character that would never in a million years be accepted in anybody else's campaign.  (He could have chewed up Solar Exalteds for light snacks.)  Fun to play, though...:D)
Tom B.

"All that we say or seem is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allen Poe



Zachary The First

Quote from: jgantsOddly enough, in my Rifts campaign only the Rogue Scholar has managed to remain unscathed.  Everyone else has either died, nearly died several times, or been seriously maimed.

The trick is to know that you're not a combat character and stay out of the front lines while the other guys do all the work (and take all the risk).
Rogue Scholars are like teflon, baby.  Definitely my favorite class in the game (though the Mystic Kuznya and Nega-Psychic are a blast, too).

Sett, I actually am using something close to that for Rifts.  I've done a flat across-the-board 5% increase per level, and made the 45% skill level or whatever a +45 to a d100 roll, complete with open-endeds for crit. success and crit. failure.  I think it's working out pretty well, and was an easy fix.
RPG Blog 2

Currently Prepping: Castles & Crusades
Currently Reading/Brainstorming: Mythras
Currently Revisiting: Napoleonic/Age of Sail in Space


Quote from: Zachary The FirstRogue Scholars are like teflon, baby.  Definitely my favorite class in the game (though the Mystic Kuznya and Nega-Psychic are a blast, too).

Actually, I looked back through my notes and discovered the rogue scholar was almost killed once, back near the beginning of the campaign.  And that was after the time when she was kidnapped and nearly ravaged by a biker gang.

So I guess it took her a couple of sessions to wise up.  :D

Still, she has remained better off than everyone else.
Now Prepping: One-shot adventures for Coriolis, RuneQuest (classic), Numenera, 7th Sea 2nd edition, and Adventures in Middle-Earth.

Recently Ended: Palladium Fantasy - Warlords of the Wastelands: A fantasy campaign beginning in the Baalgor Wastelands, where characters emerge from the oppressive kingdom of the giants. Read about it here.