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Asian inspired games

Started by Rick Hershey, March 09, 2007, 12:40:20 AM

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To add to this conversation may I suggest Land of the Rising Sun by Lee Gold. Uses the Chivalry and Sorcery 1e engine, and is considered by some as the best RPG set in Japan. It's also long out of print, and hard to find.

Uniquely for its time, LotRS is focused more on the land and culture than on the monsters to beat and treasure to grab. I recall one write up Lee did in her zine in Alarums and Excursions where our heroes spent most of a session trying to figure out how to beat a kappa than in the actual fight itself. Lee spends a good deal of time establishing the feel for a Shogunate Japanese campaign, complete with samurai, Shinto priests, and minor gods.
Any one who thinks he knows America has never been to America.


Quote from: stu2000There's Wushu and some other downloadable indie games, but I haven't played them.

Wushu's somewhat Asian-inspired, though not quite in the same sense that these other games are.  It's not made explicitly for running Asian-inspired games, but wuxia and Hong Kong bullet ballets were big inspirations for it.

Consonant Dude

Quote from: Rick HersheyHey Folks,

   I've been trying to find asian themed rpgs that are possibly out of print or no longer published, more of your older titles and hidden gems. . . but I'm not finding anything beyond some of the more popular titles (Bushido, Sengoku, etc.) Anyone have any ideas? Recomend anything?

The best asian-flavor roleplaying game is probably Qin (I can't vouch for the English version however).

You've mentioned:

Sengoku (grab Shiki supplement, it is great)

There's also:
Weapon of the Gods
Legends of the Five Rings, several editions
HKAT (Hong Kong Action Theater) Two editions using two different systems
Usagi Yojimbo (two editions. I like the Fuzion one by Stolze)
Oriental Adventures
The Mountain Witch
Feng Shui has elements of the genre as well

As far as free games, there is Pagoda by Jeffrey Schecter. It's mostly a core engine, no setting.

As far as setting and adventures, you could look at Kara Tur. The old D&D setting had several adventures published.

GURPS Japan and Martial Arts might help too.

I believe some White Wolf supplements and games deal with Asia.

My Roleplaying Blog.

Michael M

Have you tried Erick Wujcik's Mystic China? I haven't played it but I read the book. It is the best asian-themed rpg material I have seen.