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Annoyed at WEG

Started by Blue Devil, May 15, 2007, 10:33:50 AM

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Blue Devil

I want to start out by saying I am a fan of West End Games and the D6 system.   I know there are people out there who dislike it and that's fine but please keep it to yourself, that's not what this thread is about.

  I am frustrated by West End Games because while I like the D6 system they are doing some really boneheaded things.

  It saddens me because I go into the FLGS and see the same D6 books sitting there month after month because noone is buying them.

  First thing that annoys me:

  1) License Fee-  $500 for a system that has been out of commission for some time, got revamped and now has to reprove itself.

  I mention this and I have people tell me "Well $500 is not a lot of money and if people aren't willing to pay that then maybe they aren't someone WEG want's to license.

  Except there are plenty of free and lower cost systems out there.  Why pay $500 for a revamped system that not as many people are playing?

  2) Strategic Mistakes- Why is WEG not going out, talking to as many game companies as they can and trying to get them to use the system?  If more people knew the system more people would learn and possiably buy D6.

  Another thing that totally gets me is they did 3 different core books instead of one with information for all genres.   3 books with the same core rules in them and then information for the specific genre.

  Does it piss you off when your favorite game company does something that appears to be totally stupid that will hurt more then help your favorite game system grow?


If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

Caesar Slaad

The Secret Volcano Base: my intermittently updated RPG blog.

Running: Pathfinder Scarred Lands, Mutants & Masterminds, Masks, Starfinder, Bulldogs!
Playing: Sigh. Nothing.
Planning: Some Cyberpunk thing, system TBD.

Blue Devil

Quote from: SettembriniNot enough users on your forum?

If you are not going to contribute to the thread and just be a prick don't bother responding.

As I said in the OP (Which I may not have worded correctly) I am a fan of D6 and it just annoys me that the person running it doesn't seem to have a clue what they are doing.

Blue Devil

Quote from: Caesar SlaadIs the title a trick question?

I guess my problem is I did not word my orignal post well.

I am a big fan of D6 but it worries me that it is going to fade because WEG is doing stupid things that hinder instead of help get the word out about the D6 system.

Rob Lang

Yes, it does annoy me that companies that should be good companies do horrible things to games you love.

One of my favourite games is SLA Industries. Originally published by Nightfall games. WoTC then bought it off nightfall and in under 6 months, stopped doing roleplaying games, letting the license just fester. Thank god some others have taken up the rights and are publishing for it.

I've never forgiven WoTC for that trick.


Didn't WEG change hands fairly recently?

Edit: They did, but it was 4-5 years ago. Post #43:


For those without access:

QuoteOriginally posted by Hellsreach

I did a great deal of work to put myself into a position to buy WEG and I've done a great deal of work since then. I did buy into an established company name, but It has been an uphill battle to revitalize an imprint that most people thought completely gone.

Make no mistake-- I've definitely done a great deal of restoring on this old car, and I have no less love for and pride in it.

My POV is just that, my POV and it is so not because I bought WEG, but because I am still, and will always be, a fan of this hobby and of those who built it. It will be no different in 15 years with the new uberkinds of the hobby-gaming world. If I manager to put out the best game in the history of hobby games and gain 100 times the notoriety that I have now, I'll still be star-struck by others. It's simply the way I am.

That said, Dana you don't know me and you never have. WEG didn't fall into my lap. I've sacrificed tremendous amounts of time and money. The started to process of purchasing WEG in 2002, and finished the deal in November 2003. I've put hundreds of thousands of dollars, all said, into this company and I didn't do it to buy fame. I did it because WEG was owned by a disconnected and unconcerned European graphic novel publisher who was letting the WEG name die one the vine. I bought the company to save it, save it because I love it and saw that it could possibly return to the great company it once was (relative to the current size of the industry). You don't know me, that has never stopped you from passing judgment on me. Do us both a favor and stop; stop acting like acting like the aggregate of my worth as a publisher and businessman stops at me buying a pre-made name; stop acting like you know what I have done to try and resuscitate the corpse that was West End Games; stop acting like you and your experiences are worth more than mine, because you pumped out a few stat books based on someone else's system design because, quite frankly, you've done no better than I. The only difference is, in my case, I own the system(s) I publish under.


No idea if Hellsreach/Eric Gibson posts on here or not, but if it bothers you a lot, you could always ask him directly on RPG.net.

- Q

EDIT: Or email him. hellsreach (.at.) gmail (.dot.) com


"I've put hundreds of thousands of dollars, all said, into this company and I didn't do it to buy fame."

I find that hard to fathom.  I can't believe that WEG was worth hundreds of thousands.  It's just another name that rings a bell to a few old timers and D6 is a decent system but there's nothing mind blowing about it.

Blue Devil

Quote from: DrewDidn't WEG change hands fairly recently?

Edit: They did, but it was 4-5 years ago. Post #43:


For those without access:

Not recently but awhile ago.

It has basicly been quiet for awhile due to the situation of the hobby

Blue Devil

Quote from: QuireNo idea if Hellsreach/Eric Gibson posts on here or not, but if it bothers you a lot, you could always ask him directly on RPG.net.

- Q

EDIT: Or email him. hellsreach (.at.) gmail (.dot.) com

I have and I have basically been told I am being unreasonable.

I am half tempted to just say screw it, sell my D6 system books and play something else.

Since West End Games is not really doing anything to get their system known, I might as well go with a company that is actually trying to pump their game and that wants to create a gamer base where it is easier to find gamers.

Blue Devil

Quote from: Nicephorus"I've put hundreds of thousands of dollars, all said, into this company and I didn't do it to buy fame."

I find that hard to fathom.  I can't believe that WEG was worth hundreds of thousands.  It's just another name that rings a bell to a few old timers and D6 is a decent system but there's nothing mind blowing about it.

Well I think part of it is the warehouse full of old stock that he got as part of the purchase.

All things considered, he has made some really silly mistakes.


Quote from: Blue DevilI have and I have basically been told I am being unreasonable.

I am half tempted to just say screw it, sell my D6 system books and play something else.

Since West End Games is not really doing anything to get their system known, I might as well go with a company that is actually trying to pump their game and that wants to create a gamer base where it is easier to find gamers.

For years Chaosium screwed the pooch on its licences.  Now Stormbringer has gone to Mongoose and finally they've started releasing decent CoC products again.

It's taken long enough though and been bloody frustrating in the meantime.  That said, play the game because you love it and find it fun, the company ultimately is merely a delivery vehicle.

D6 is a fun system, it's worth playing for that, though personally I prefer the original Star Wars version which didn't have ads and disads, but at the end of the day the company is disappointing but the game on your shelf is as fun as it ever was.

Blue Devil

Quote from: BalbinusThat said, play the game because you love it and find it fun, the company ultimately is merely a delivery vehicle.

D6 is a fun system, it's worth playing for that, though personally I prefer the original Star Wars version which didn't have ads and disads, but at the end of the day the company is disappointing but the game on your shelf is as fun as it ever was.

The problem is that while the system is fun, the companies stupid mistakes are not making it easy to find players?

Why? Because they aren't doing enough to get out the fact that A) WEG is actually in business and B) the system is fun.   I go into the FLGS and know I can pick up D6 books because they are not selling and they are sitting there month after month.

Books that sit in the FLGS arent being read and learned making it hard to find others interested in the system


Quote from: Blue DevilThe problem is that while the system is fun, the companies stupid mistakes are not making it easy to find players?

Hopefully he has learned some lessons and the new Septimus book will be much better than the rather disappointing D6 books.