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CoC/BRP, etc.--starting skill points?

Started by beeber, May 17, 2007, 06:43:59 PM

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Quote from: zombenAt the same time, however, 6th edition has a larger assortment of skills than 1st edition did.  In theory, you need more skill points because of the larger 'spread' of skills.

Which is something I want to address in any future Cthulhu games I run.  I'd really like to compress the vast number of skills to something a bit more manageable.


QuoteI struggle to spend that many points, bear in mind 50-60 is a professional level of skill, 90 a master of it.

Besides, my old CoC characters did fine, increasing skill points doesn't really increase survival prospects that much in CoC.
Having more skill points allow your PC to have some 'basic' skills (climb, swim and such) that you couldn't allow in 3rd ed. And they're big help against cultists and against lesser creatures. Of course, are of no avail against Cthulhu.
QuoteOf course, I run CoC using third edition rules still...
Crusty old fart... :D Embrace the glory of 5.5 :D
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).

Ian Absentia

Quote from: ImperatorUse NEMESIS ;)
Not to chime in on a "Try Exalted!" post, but...he might just be on to something. :)
