Malicious code was found on the site, which has been removed, but would have been able to access files and the database, revealing email addresses, posts, and encoded passwords (which would need to be decoded). However, there is no direct evidence that any such activity occurred. REGARDLESS, BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. And as is good practice, remember to never use the same password on more than one site. While performing housekeeping, we also decided to upgrade the forums.
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Alexander Macris Banned Discussion Topic On Parts of Reddit

Started by KindaMeh, November 30, 2023, 03:25:11 PM

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Quote from: amacris on December 01, 2023, 07:51:37 PM
I didn't engage in or organize any brigading.

If the mods had actual evidence I engaged or organized brigading, I am pretty certain they'd have published it and banned *me*. But they didn't. Even today I'm not banned on those channels, because I didn't do anything wrong.

In actuality, I did the *opposite* of brigading: I told people on my Discord "I don't go where I'm not wanted" and "I don't need you to defend my life choices." I believe the mods simply didn't want to have to enforce their rules on no politics, and it was easier to ban discussion of me. I get it; I have been in similar situations in the past and made the same choice they did.

But "brigading"? No, that was a pretext for wanting to curtail troublesome discussions.

Those who don't want to support me because I worked for Milo, supported Trump, or sided with gamers during Gamergate -- I have no real issue with them. They are entitled to spend their money on whomever they prefer, and I'm an adult who takes responsibility for my life choices, good, bad, and mediocre as they  might be. Those who attempt to harm me by lying about what I actually believe, in order to paint me as some reincarnation of Hitler, them I take issue with. I extend to them the contempt and disgust worthy of such immoral and dishonest dastards.

I've been creeping on your website waiting for a reprint of ACKS core rules for a while now, and now with seeing how unfairly you have been treated, I decided to buy Ascendant and the screen from your site directly, as well as a PDF from DTRPG.  Definitely going put a video about the game on my channel. 

You have character, and the courage of your convictions.  Libel is never pleasant, but to be libeled by nameless keyboard cowboys, shouting about topics in bumper sticker slogans, and parroting their favorite commentators chosen slurs against people that have a difference of opinion politically is the worst.  I've dealt with some forms of this as well, though certainly not to the degree that you have. Thanks for making excellent games, but more so, thanks for not bowing before the angry mob. 


Justin from Books, Bricks and Boards