
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Malfi on December 17, 2020, 06:47:05 AM

Title: Adventures Dark and Deep things that don't fit in OSR
Post by: Malfi on December 17, 2020, 06:47:05 AM
I really liked adventures dark and deep core books its a great evolution of adnd 1st edition, a lot of things are done right on so many levels I think.

I like even the expansions it has but I found certain things that seem off for an OSR game.
I would like people opinions on wether these things are actually too good for an adnd style game.

So first is the golden scroll of justice basically oriental adventures done right. However some of its kung fu skills seem a tad too good. Skills in this game are basically pay some xp to get better in ability rolls for that specific skill and skills are stuff like blacksmithing, cooking and hunting. Pretty neat idea. Kung fu skills are basically the same except you need a kung fu master to teach them to you.
However golden scroll of justice has for example Three Water style which at level 2 needs 24.000xp to achieve and allows an extra attack with no skill roll and Spitting Cobra style at skill level 3 which again costs 24.000xp and allows ranged attacks equal to ones level!  with a successful skill roll. Note that skill roll will be done at a -6, so with a dexterity of 13 you have an excellent chance of success to roll under 13 with a d20.

Regarding Adventures Great and Glorious which handles downtime and higher level domain play. There is a skill called Quick spell that basically reduces casting times by 1 segment for every skill level and the first level costs 5000xp and every level after that the multiple of the skill level by 5000xp. So at level 3 its sth like 30000xp for 3 segments reduction. Doesn't that seem too good for adnd?

Title: Re: Adventures Dark and Deep things that don't fit in OSR
Post by: Thondor on December 17, 2020, 04:13:23 PM
Does it basically use AD&D experience tables?
Hard to judge without that info. (No I haven't read the game.)
Title: Re: Adventures Dark and Deep things that don't fit in OSR
Post by: Zalman on December 18, 2020, 10:08:22 AM
For AD&D? Those do seem a bit overpowered for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, but maybe not for Adventures Dark and Deep -- if the latter has other stuff in it to match that power level.

If not, then it seems the mitigating factor there is the "kung fu master" requirement. If you think those styles should be more expensive, then one option would be to make finding and getting to that kung fu master arduous, and thus part of the cost.

Even after being located, the kung fu masters themselves may exact a further price for their teachings.
Title: Re: Adventures Dark and Deep things that don't fit in OSR
Post by: Malfi on December 18, 2020, 03:17:58 PM
Quote from: Thondor on December 17, 2020, 04:13:23 PM
Does it basically use AD&D experience tables?
Hard to judge without that info. (No I haven't read the game.)

Yes it does, same saves, attack bonuses, its closer to it, than its second edition.
Title: Re: Adventures Dark and Deep things that don't fit in OSR
Post by: Malfi on December 18, 2020, 03:24:18 PM
Quote from: Zalman on December 18, 2020, 10:08:22 AM
For AD&D? Those do seem a bit overpowered for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, but maybe not for Adventures Dark and Deep -- if the latter has other stuff in it to match that power level.

I don't think it really does, its monsters are basically the same. They do use different hit die in certain cases but nothing redically different. 

Quote from: Zalman on December 18, 2020, 10:08:22 AM
If not, then it seems the mitigating factor there is the "kung fu master" requirement. If you think those styles should be more expensive, then one option would be to make finding and getting to that kung fu master arduous, and thus part of the cost.

Even after being located, the kung fu masters themselves may exact a further price for their teachings.

Sure, that's actually part of my thoughts, but I don't think it fixes things the moment you have access to the style and the price is paid nothing can take it away from you. It's hard to pin exactly what but I feel it isn't satisfactory to say well just make it difficulty to find/convince the kung fu master. It shouldn't be difficult because it balances the game it should be difficult because it fits the setting and yes its part of the setting that masters don't give out their techniques willy nilly, but still if the style is to good for the game then that's still a problem.
Also doesnt affect the reduce casting time skill.