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4E: Mark on the Beast

Started by Blackleaf, February 28, 2008, 10:20:27 AM

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James McMurray

Quote from: StuartIf the Dragon was smart enough, would it know about Paladins and what they can do?  Would it be able to recognize a Paladin?  Does the effects of the Paladin's mark produce something visible that the Dragon would recognize?

(I'm being serious -- if a monster is marked by the Paladin, should they know what's going on and respond accordingly?  So the DM wouldn't let monsters get 'tricked' into a Paladin Mark attrition attack.)

The ability is called Divine Challenge. I haven't seen the fluff text for it, but I'd be shocked if a paladin could issue a divine challenge and it go unnoticed.

Ian Absentia

Quote from: StuartIf the Dragon was smart enough, would it know about Paladins and what they can do?  Would it be able to recognize a Paladin?  Does the effects of the Paladin's mark produce something visible that the Dragon would recognize?
If the dragon was really such a genius, it would realise that it was merely an imaginary construct in a game, take the HP penalty, and figure out how to attack the GM directly.



Quote from: Ian AbsentiaIf the dragon was really such a genius, it would realise that it was merely an imaginary construct in a game, take the HP penalty, and figure out how to attack the GM directly.


Now, THAT"S my kind of dragon!

Malleus Arianorum

I know I'm not supposed to switch sides until later, but I do like the idea that you shouldn't turn your back on a Paladin after he's invoked the power the godz on you.

But I hope that damage is delt every turn so long as the Paladin is attacking or inpersuit since I'd generaly prefer to avoid the comic situation in The Princess Bride where Montoya says  "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" and then Count Rugen turns tail and runs for his life.
That\'s pretty much how post modernism works. Keep dismissing details until there is nothing left, and then declare that it meant nothing all along. --John Morrow
Butt-Kicker 100%, Storyteller 100%, Power Gamer 100%, Method Actor 100%, Specialist 67%, Tactician 67%, Casual Gamer 0%


Quote from: Malleus ArianorumBut I hope that damage is delt every turn so long as the Paladin is attacking or inpersuit since I'd generaly prefer to avoid the comic situation in The Princess Bride where Montoya says  "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" and then Count Rugen turns tail and runs for his life.

I just had a thought: Essentially what Inigo Montoya did, in gaming terms, was 'Abuse' the rules for taking your sweet time to do a task. Champions used to (still does?) have a time table, and ever step on that table was worth another +1 to the check... 20 years would be something like +7 or more (I'm the GM, I might give a +10 just because it sounds nice)... this on a 3d6 roll. (though for a presence check, rather than intimidation, I think it's be +7d6 of intimidation damage or somesuch... it's been a while...)

Or in D&D terms, because he'd spent twenty years mastering this one. single. intimidation. check, he got to take 20 on the roll. Rugan had no choice but to run.

Just a thought.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.


Malleus Arianorum

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to give me the slip."
That\'s pretty much how post modernism works. Keep dismissing details until there is nothing left, and then declare that it meant nothing all along. --John Morrow
Butt-Kicker 100%, Storyteller 100%, Power Gamer 100%, Method Actor 100%, Specialist 67%, Tactician 67%, Casual Gamer 0%

J Arcane

Quote from: Malleus Arianorum"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to give me the slip."
1)  I don't recall Inigo possessing any divine mind control powers.

2)  Actually, as I recall, the guy DID try and run off, and generally behaved like a cowardly old man.
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Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

Malleus Arianorum

He's already got his sword drawn and pointed at Inigo, when the challenge is thrown down. He starts to ready himself for the epic duel by flexing his sword arm but then he runs off in mid-flex. He runs around a corner through a sturdy oak door and then locks it.

Inigo frenzies helplessly against the door and begs Andre the Giant (Fezzig?) to help him.  

IIRC one of the pitf4lls the 4E team is "fixing" is that Clerics cause undead to run away (not fun) or die completely (not fun) instead of causing HP loss (fun). Based on that I'd hazzard a guess that this represents some sort of divine laserbeam that works with los. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
That\'s pretty much how post modernism works. Keep dismissing details until there is nothing left, and then declare that it meant nothing all along. --John Morrow
Butt-Kicker 100%, Storyteller 100%, Power Gamer 100%, Method Actor 100%, Specialist 67%, Tactician 67%, Casual Gamer 0%

J Arcane

QuoteIIRC one of the pitf4lls the 4E team is "fixing" is that Clerics cause undead to run away (not fun) or die completely (not fun) instead of causing HP loss (fun).

See that right there would be a serious deal breaker all on it's own.  I love clerics.  I love turn undead.  I LIKE making a turn check and watching a half dozen skellies explode in a shower of bone in front of me.  That's COOL.  It makes you feel like a badass.  

It would seem wierd, given the seeming philosophy of the rest of the design, if they went and did something that made them LESS badass.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

Malleus Arianorum

But that badassery screws up the encounter level ballancing. What if the cleric uberturns the super villian in round one? What if the game is ballanced to have one cleric and there's 1.5 clerics? (I.e. one cleric and a paladin.) What if the game is ballanced for 1.5 clerics, but there's no clerics in the party, or the clerics are out of turns for the day?

That\'s pretty much how post modernism works. Keep dismissing details until there is nothing left, and then declare that it meant nothing all along. --John Morrow
Butt-Kicker 100%, Storyteller 100%, Power Gamer 100%, Method Actor 100%, Specialist 67%, Tactician 67%, Casual Gamer 0%

John Morrow

Quote from: Malleus Arianorum:eek: WHY WON'T ANYONE THINK OF PREDICTABILITY!!! :melodramatic:

Well we wouldn't want the players to be surprised, at least not in a bad way.  Maybe they'll just get rid of the dice for 5E.  That should help, too.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%

James McMurray

Quote from: J ArcaneSee that right there would be a serious deal breaker all on it's own.  I love clerics.  I love turn undead.  I LIKE making a turn check and watching a half dozen skellies explode in a shower of bone in front of me.  That's COOL.  It makes you feel like a badass.

No worries. If you're facing a horde of skeleton's, it's almost assured that most of them will be 1 hit point minions and your turn attempt will still blow them up.