
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: pspahn on October 01, 2007, 03:11:02 PM

Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: pspahn on October 01, 2007, 03:11:02 PM
This was the start of my entry for the contest.  I was trying to make it a random forest encounter table for above-ground adventures and I wanted to flesh out each entry with a brief description and something cool (especially the animal entries so that it wasn't an "ooh, you encountered a sparrow--yipee!"), :) but I've been swamped with other work so I was only able to get the outline down.  It wasn't anywhere near ready to submit to the contest, so I'm posting it here for those who might have a use.  Anyone else who wants to post a chart, feel free.  

Great job to all the official entrants and good luck!


Forest Table

1. Terrain
2. Trail
3. Water
4. Ruin
5. Encounter
6. Mystical Site

1. Forest
2. Wooded Hills
3. Field
4. Rocky Hills
5. Lowland Swamp
6. Ravine (roll 1d6. 1 = roll on Dungeon Entrance Table)

1-2. Animal trail
3. Footpath
4. Worn track
5. Dirt road
6. Paved Road (modern or ancient, depending on location)

1. Spring
2. Stream
3. Waterfall (roll 1d6. 1-2 = roll on Dungeon Entrance Table)
4. River
5. Lake
6. Pond

1. Campsite
2. Abandoned Cottage
3. Ruined Home
4. Ruined Castle (roll 1d6. 1-5 = roll on Dungeon Entrance Table)
5. Overgrown Temple (roll 1d6. 1-3 = roll on Dungeon Entrance Table).
6. Hidden Tomb (roll 1d6. 1-3 = roll on Dungeon Entrance Table)

Dungeon Entrance (see Adventure! for Dungeon Tables)
1-3. Natural
4-6. Manmade

1. Bird
2. Reptile
3. Large Mammal
4. Small Mammal
5. Insect
6. Exotic Animal

Bird (if nighttime replace entries with Owl)
1. Hummingbird
2. Sparrow
3. Crow
4. Hawk (wild)
5. Hawk (trained)
6. Eagle

1-3. Frog/Toad
2-4. Lizard/Salamander
5. Snake
6. Alligator/Crocodile (depending on location)

Small Mammal
1. Mouse
2. Rabbit
3. Bat
4. Badger
5. Wolverine
6. Porcupine

Large Mammal
1. Dog/Wolf
2. Deer
3. Cattle
4. Boar
5. Bear
6. Humanoid (roll on Humanoid Table #1 and #2)

1. Anthill
2. Mosquito Swarm
3. Ticks
4. Wasp Nest
5. Flea Infestation
6. Spider/Scorpion

1. Unicorn
2. Dragon (1-4 young, 5-6 adult)
3. Dinosaur
4. Giant Animal (1 bird, 2 reptile/amphibian, 3 small mammal. 4-5 large mammal, 5 insect)
5. Roc
6. Griffon

Humanoid Table #1
2. Humans
3. Ogres
4. Bugbears
5. Lizardmen
6. Kobolds
7. Orcs
8. Centaurs
9. Gnolls
10. Gnomes
11. Minotaurs
12. Goblins

Humanoid Table #2
1-2. Hunters
3-4. Travelers
5-6. Raiders

Mystic Site (roll 1d6. 1-3 roll on Dungeon Entrance Table)
1. Battlefield (bonus/penalty to combat for one day)
2. Magical Pool (magic effect)
3. Shrine (magic effect for those who make offering)
4. Standing Stones (bonus to Contact/Bind Lesser Entity)
5. Ancient Burial Ground (prophetic vision)
6. Druid's Grove (bonus/penalty to magic for one day)
Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on October 01, 2007, 06:47:17 PM
I hereby propose that Pundit bends the rules and allows this chart to be submitted for review.

He'll do what he wants, but I'm wigglin' my eyebrows, Groucho-style, in an effort to convince.
Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: beeber on October 01, 2007, 06:58:06 PM
i love the variety in the results!  i'm totally stealing & tweaking this for the next time i run fantasy.

hell, i should mod it for my traveller game, too :raise:
Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: pspahn on October 01, 2007, 09:23:44 PM
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!I hereby propose that Pundit bends the rules and allows this chart to be submitted for review.

No, no, that would be flat out unfair to the people who submitted on time, but thank you both very much.  I hope you (and others) get some use out of them.

Thanks again,

Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: RPGPundit on October 01, 2007, 11:29:23 PM
Unfortunately it would be unfair. However, the chart is really good, and may end up being used in the FtA!GN!.

For anyone else who wants to, even though the contest is over, feel free to keep posting your random charts on this thread; and any chart that is posted here will be taken under consideration for publication in that upcoming FtA! sourcebook (and its creator will of course be credited).

Title: A random chart for FtA!
Post by: pspahn on October 05, 2007, 01:30:32 AM
Quote from: RPGPunditHowever, the chart is really good, and may end up being used in the FtA!GN!.

Cool!  Feel free to modify it as needed.  
