I am new to this forum and glad to share with you my settings and ideas about Savage Worlds, which is MY rpg system to play with.
By the way, if I make some mistakes in English, it is because I am French, so I beg your pardon.
I discovered Savage Worlds four years ago and always have played with it since then. It is an amazing toolbox, and thanks to it I made, and am still making, settings and house rules.
There are more settings in French, but everything new is now translated, and here the interestings content in English:
- Dead Space: https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2016/09/17/dead-space-sw-rpg/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2016/09/17/dead-space-sw-rpg/)
- A house rule to put a black hole into your science-fiction game: https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/21/interstellar-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/21/interstellar-en/)
- Milo and Radovan from the trilogy Pusher as NPC: https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/28/pusher-iiiiii-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/28/pusher-iiiiii-en/)
- Handle cannibalism in your game with a rule inspired by the movie The Neon Demon: https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/14/neon-demon-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/14/neon-demon-en/)
I hope you will like it, and don't hesitate to tell me what did work or didn't work for you.
I will update this post with the new rules to come. ;)
If you want some rules to use differently the wild die, or handle the initiative with a D20, you can read my article about the dice ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/04/the-dice-in-rpg/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/04/the-dice-in-rpg/)
My last article about The Mist, you will find rules to include the monsters of The Mist into your game ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/11/the-mist/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/11/the-mist/)
Quote from: Sky_Marshall;955298If you want some rules to use differently the wild die, or handle the initiative with a D20, you can read my article about the dice ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/04/the-dice-in-rpg/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/04/the-dice-in-rpg/)
I've actually played around with using a single Agility or Smarts roll (depending on the situation) for initiative when dealing with larger groups to speed up play, but the d20 would work pretty well, too. The scaling Wild Die is interesting but I'd only really think about using that for really high-powered settings as it does get pretty crazy with high stats and skills.
Oh, and you aren't the only one who prefers the ending of the movie version of The Mist. Even Stephen King said he likes it more and would have used it if he'd thought of it first.
Thank for the reply.
I thing something to try would be to make an initiative roll based upon what skill or attribute you want to use. We can assume that if you are good at shooting, driving, or programming, then you also quick.
The problem is that if you play at the third place, you will surely change your action. It would be hard for the players to know exactly in advance what they want to do.
I'll be following your blog! Nourris moi!!!!
If you want to play a "The Ninth Gate" game, I explain in this article why I like the "Codex Infernus" for Savage Worlds, and give you the rules for Boris Balkan and Dean Corso :)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/18/the-ninth-gate/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/18/the-ninth-gate/)
You want to quickly create or improvise a civilization for your SW game, you can read my article to have a list of essential questions to ask yourself.
I am waiting for your reply to know what kind of worlds you have imagined. :D
Awesome. I've been running a SF game with Savage Worlds the past few months. Neat system.
Thank you Darthfozzywig ;)
My new article is about the different types of roleplaying games, and I give some advice to deepen your characters :)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/25/some-thoughts-about-rpg-3/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/04/25/some-thoughts-about-rpg-3/)
You want to hear the engine of a chainsaw when playing Savage Worlds, read my article about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and make your players run away from Leatherface ;)
The first rule of Fight Club is...
You want some rules about psychiatric disorders, fighting and the stat-block for Jack, Tyler and Marla, everything is here ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/09/fight-club-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/09/fight-club-en/)
Jake: This car is not from the motor pool.
Alonzo: It's not, sexy though, ain't it?
Jake: So, where's the office? Back at division?
Alonzo: You're in the office, baby.
This week an article about Training Day and the statblocks for Alonzo and Jake: https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/16/training-day-en/
Also some rules to handle racism which I do not promote of course, but it seemed to me important to put a penalty in Charisma for relations between criminals and between cops and criminals. It allows to create gangs, family wars... ;)
"My name is Bond, Jame Bond"
This week an article about GoldenEye 007, the best movie and video game about James Bond.
You will find the rules to use the Laser Watch, the Moonraker Laser and the Golden Gun (if you have a nice GM) ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/23/goldeneye-64-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/23/goldeneye-64-en/)
Music is an essential element of a good roleplaying game session, and this is why I give you this week some advice to manage and choose it.
You will also meet a new threat for your players, the SonicSpider ;)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/30/rpg-and-music/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/05/30/rpg-and-music/)
This week you Test your Might!
Mortal Kombat (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/06/mortal-kombat-en/) is a savage world, so I had to get it playable with Savage Worlds rules.
In this article, I give the rules for some arenas, magic in Mortal Kombat, to detail your fighting style, and of course the stats of some characters I love.
So, if you want to fight for the EarthRealm or the NetherRealm, you know where to start from ;)
Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome.
Gladiator (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/13/gladiator-en/), one of the best movie you can watch, and now you also have the rules to manage Roman's formations and create a fight of gladiators.
If you want to test your players in battle or against lions, have a look at my article (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/13/gladiator-en/) ;)
"Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth."
Matrix (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/20/the-matrix/), one of the major movie of the 21st century (very very late 20th), which prepared the ground for a lot of further movies.
This is my first article (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/20/the-matrix/) of a trilogy (one for each movie) in which you will find rules to play in the Matrix universe: how to handle the incredible moves they do in the Matrix, how to handle the phone box, the stat-blocks for several characters...
Have fun and tell me how was your game :)
Merovingian: I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculer ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.
The next part of my trilogy of articles about Matrix trilogy, this week on "The Matrix Reloaded (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/06/27/the-matrix-reloaded/)".
I have done the stat blocks for the Merovingian, Persephone, Seraph, the Architect, the Keymaker, the Oracle and the Twins.
So you have a lot of NPC to put some challenges on the path of your players :)
Everything that has a beginning, has an end. The Oracle
My last article about Matrix trilogy (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/07/04/the-matrix-revolutions/). The third movie is more focused on the real world and on combat.
This third article will give you rules to use Sentinels, Hovercrafts, APUs and Diggers, and of course to play the siege of Zion.
I will take a break for the summer. See you in September for new stuff and I hope also for my next setting for Savage Worlds ;)
A new article about the movie Split and some rules to play a Savage Worlds compatible Everyone is John :)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/09/30/split-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/09/30/split-en/)
Despotic or Anarchist GM? (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/10/28/despotic-or-anarchist-gm/)
A good question for your next game isn't it?
In this article, I share with you my thought and also give you some advice / rules to adapt Savage Worlds to a more guiding or flexible game. :)
If you need some rules to handle psychological effects of stars, or the heat on spaceships, these ones might help you :)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/02/14/sunshine-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/02/14/sunshine-en/)
You want some boosted rules for your Savage Worlds game or play like in a Michael Bay movie.
You will find some stuff in my article : https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/07/broforce-en/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/03/07/broforce-en/)
Hope you like it :)
If you want to spice up your game, especially the benny mechanic of Savage Worlds, you will find some rules I hope are interesting in my new article ;)
Gimme Tokens (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2017/11/25/gimme-bennies/)
I watched the movie Spectral and after that tried to get published in Savage Worlds Explorers (new product of Pinnacle) with a creature inspired by the movie.
It's a sort of plasma-ghost, a Blight (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/01/25/spectral-are-you-ready-to-fight-bose-einstein-condensates/), and you will find some descriptions to put it in a fantasy or a science-fiction setting. Tough foe, only for good players ;)
Good work! I'm a Savage Worlds fan, so go for it!
Thanks ;)
Hi everyone,
A new article about the dice, our best allies or worst enemies depending on our luck :D
Some freshness with your dice (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/02/24/some-freshness-with-your-dice/)
I had some metal dice. They made a very satisfying noise when they were rolled on wood. But the heaviness was just a bit too wild.
I usually roll them on a plastic tray or on a table with a tablecloth. It reduces noise and metal dice are good to highlight a decisive roll :)
But the noise is the best part!
An article about our favorite hobby and the trend to have a lot of "unnecessary" accessories ;)
Role-playing game, the game for poor people? (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/03/24/role-playing-game-the-game-for-poor-people/)
Ironically, the tendency is that a lot of gamers spend a lot on this hobby. Though it's true that if you wanted to, you could do this hobby very cheap.
I am naturally thrifty, so it may explain why I am not into the fanboy-buy-everything attitude, even if it is very cool to see huge collections of RPGs books :)
I had a pretty decent collection of RPG books though most of my time in the hobby, but now my collection is just ridiculous, because of all the review copies I get.
I used to have a huge collection but in the last year or two I've sold most of it off.
I am going to play in my first Savage Worlds game at the Palladium open house. I want to give Savage Rifts a try. I'm going to get over my view of how ugly the Savage Rifts art is (compared to real Rifts) and try the system out.
Nice ;)
I agree that quite often Savage Worlds setting books are not a masterpiece of art. The core book is good though.
It's a pity since the system is amazing, and it gives a feeling of amateurism and small system which can't compete with D&D and others although it can.
But the strenght of SW is that you can do everything with it. You may work on the system to get what you want but the system allows you to modify it and never breaks.
Have a good game ;)
My new and last post before I work on my new website which will be online for July of this year.
This time about how many players for a Role-playing game? (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/04/21/how-many-players-for-a-role-playing-game/)
And at your Savage Worlds tables, how many players do you have ? :)
Hi everyone,
It's time to release the beast inside of you, to let your dice decide of your fate, to give your life to the greater role-playing game :D
More seriously, I am here to tell you that my new website is ready, it is waiting for you!
All the content is easily available from the homepage and you just need to subscribe to get notified for each new post :)
https://gregoryhuyghe.com/ (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/)
- RPG settings: free and amateur settings using Savage Worlds rules
- Web dev: if you are interested in web technologies
- RPG posts: the posts dedicated to the role-playing game, my personal thoughts and analysis about it...
- Savage Worlds Bonus: a lot of articles about movies, video games... which also very often include some rules for Savage Worlds. For example, how to handle black holes in the post about Interstellar.
The hunting season has started! I am working on some new stuff for the coming weeks :cool:
You always dreamed of being a soldier in a special force unit, or you have played Operation Flashpoint, ARMA...? Then Ghost Ops (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/07/05/ghost-ops-a-modern-day-covert-ops-rpg/) is made for you!
This new role-playing game made by Feral Games (https://feralgamersinc.weebly.com/) is now available on DriveThruRpg and you can find all the informations on my blog (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/07/05/ghost-ops-a-modern-day-covert-ops-rpg/).
Those Bose-Einstein Spectres for Savage Worlds are pretty neat on your page, with adventure ideas for them and all too! Very nice setup for them. They would be good to add to a Last Parsec or perhaps even better Nemezis campaign.
Quote from: Kuroth;1047460Those Bose-Einstein Spectres for Savage Worlds are pretty neat on your page, with adventure ideas for them and all too! Very nice setup for them. They would be good to add to a Last Parsec or perhaps even better Nemezis campaign.
Thank you ;)
A new post about a great and very fun game: Prison Architect (https://gregoryhuyghe.com/2018/09/01/prison-architect/).
What about putting your PC in prison? :D