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Another odd HP rehash

Started by jibbajibba, November 02, 2014, 08:13:24 PM

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Quote from: Raven;800055Holy shit, are you two going to tongue kiss or not?
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Quote from: Raven;800055Holy shit, are you two going to tongue kiss or not?

Oh my god, exactly! These guys have climbed so far up each others asses by now its like they've created a pair of conjoined ass wormholes.


Quote from: Raven;800055Holy shit, are you two going to tongue kiss or not?


Quote from: Bren;800087Not.

Also not.

Kudos to Raven for creating agreement and ending the thread with only eleven words.  Please use this power only for good, never for evil.

Also, :rotfl:


Ignoring the dueling side track....

5e adds another nice twist to this debate with the rogue's uncanny dodge.

Basically due to their lightning reflexes rogues can half the damage from any one attack as a reaction.  (6th level Rogues class ability)

So in this instance reflexes = skill = hp buffer . They don't add to their AC they add damage....

Nice little game rule (although a little open to debate as attack isn't maybe as simple a term as it first appears) but how does it fit into the wider model of HP as a paradigm?
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