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What Board / Card Games are you playing right now?

Started by Summon666, May 15, 2023, 06:12:01 AM

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I finally got my hands on '88' by James Day.  This game was published by Yaquinto in 1980, as the 2nd? game in the series of Panzer(which i also snagged).  Its a tactical armor combat game in the Western Desert WW2.

I really liked MBT when Avalon Hill published it.  MBT is the same system, slightly simplified, using hidden inverted counters for commands rather than the original written moves, a larger scale 100m instead of 50m per hex.  I was going to make my own 88 game essentially from MBT, but then found the designers old games.  Fortuitous.

BUT OMG is the data card small, the font is like 4pt, its SOOOO tiny.

I am scanning the cards at 1200 dpi so I can reprint them onto something legible. 
I had much better eyes in 1980.

The newest Panzer by GMT and Jim Day is even more simplified.  But the cards and font are much bigger.