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Question for Wii Owners

Started by kryyst, June 05, 2007, 02:23:59 PM

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I've been debating on getting a Wii for awhile now. But wanted to wait until some longterm experienced opinions game out and just wanted to see where the games were going.

So the question is for those of you who've had one now for 6 months or so is it still fun? Do you still get excited playing it or does it primarily sit on your shelf and collect dust until you have the gang over for a few hours of wii fun on a weekend. Is it only good in groups, is the solo experience lacking from lack of quality games etc.....

I mean am I wrong in seeing that aside from the sports pack, the party games and Rabid Rabbits that Zelda:TP is one of the few really solid must have games for it?
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Ummm, lets see here. I've had a Wii since release day.

The Wii is the BEST party system, once guitar Hero 3 comes out for it, there will be no other system to play when your friends come over.

I will say there are only a few good games out for it. Wii Sports, Zelda: TP, Super Paper Mario, Xcite Truck and Elebits that I've played. The graphics (so far) are not Next-Gen at all. However, I have derived enjoyment out of other things.

1. GameCube games. I never owned a GameCube, and it's awesome being able to pick up all the cool GC games I missed. Eternal Darkness, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil...etc.

2. Virtual Console. I never played any TurboGraphics 16 games. It's also pretty awesome being able to play almost every Zelda ever made on the same system.

3. News Channel and Everybody Votes channel, while not games, have gotten a lot of use out of me. However, if you have the internet, you're not missing much besides an interesting presentation.

Sooooo...I think a Wii is worth the $250 asking price. There seems to be a little something in there for everybody. Also the controller is VERY solid. In the hands of a capable developer at least. The current crop of Wii games is very hit and miss.  

So, yes I fire it up my Wii every day. Although it's not always to play Wii games.
 "Be the person you want to be, at the expense of everything."
Spreading Un-Common Sense since 1983


I pretty well agree with KrakaJak on the strengths of the system (and also ... GameCube games!  How did I miss that?  Awesome!)

I'll just add as a personal testimonial:  I've had Excite Trucks since the start of the year, and I still put in an hour or so of bobbing and weaving every few days trying to get through their Normal level challenge-modes.  Stupid freakin' GATES, I keep power-sliding just a little too far, and slipping off the narrow course.  :mad:

So the system can definitely be a platform for some serious replay value.  Some of the games are gimmicky (I'm not getting a lot of replay from Wario-Warez, for instance) but some keep drawing you back again and again.
Superheroes with heart:  Capes!

Abyssal Maw

I go on Everybody Votes Channel like everyday.

I love my Wii, but I admit that I mostly use it to play Animal Crossing, (which is Gamecube) lately. I can't wait until Spore comes out, or they come up with a Wii version of Animal Crossing.

This one: http://www.animalcrossingwii.com/

THIS is why i got a Wii. :cool:

We have Zelda: Twilight Princess, but I haven't played it much (my son's game, so I've only played it when he got stuck, and that was something about running across rooftops in wolf form).
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)


My fiancee and I plan on getting a Wii after the wedding (next week!), but I want a really good fishing game for it.
-JFC Wolz
Co-host of 2 Gms, 1 Mic


There is A fishing game for it, I don't know if it is any good though...Zelda has a fishing Mini-Game in it :P

Congratulations on the wedding by the way!
 "Be the person you want to be, at the expense of everything."
Spreading Un-Common Sense since 1983