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Video Games: What are you playing?

Started by Piestrio, June 07, 2014, 12:02:29 AM

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jan paparazzi

I finished Brother A Tale of Two Sons recently. Another great indie game. You play with two brothers at the same time solving puzzles while you are on a journey to find a cure for your sick father. Great level design. It's on sale on steam for $5.
May I say that? Yes, I may say that!


Apart from Red Dead Redemption, I am playing the DLC "Brigmore Witches" for Dishonored. It's still brilliant, and quite a challenge if you play it in insane difficulty trying a no-kill resolution.
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).


I finished Sonic Generations and I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised. It all worked fairly well. The gameplay was varied and interesting, the level design was competent and it was paced really well.

My one big nitpick is the boss battles took way to long. Just tedious.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


Quote from: Piestrio;787705I finished Sonic Generations and I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised. It all worked fairly well. The gameplay was varied and interesting, the level design was competent and it was paced really well.

My one big nitpick is the boss battles took way to long. Just tedious.

I don't remember how I discovered Sonic Generations.  I think I saw videos of it and thought "that doesn't look bad at all for a modern Sonic game."  I picked it up cheap, and I generally like it.

But the "modern sonic" stages really kill my buzz.  I enjoy the "classic sonic" stages, and think they're much better than Sonic 4 (which I hated), at least comparable to Sonic CD (which I think is the weakest of the good Sonic games), but still nowhere near Sonic 1 and 2 in quality or tone.


Quote from: Gabriel2;787841I don't remember how I discovered Sonic Generations.  I think I saw videos of it and thought "that doesn't look bad at all for a modern Sonic game."  I picked it up cheap, and I generally like it.

But the "modern sonic" stages really kill my buzz.  I enjoy the "classic sonic" stages, and think they're much better than Sonic 4 (which I hated), at least comparable to Sonic CD (which I think is the weakest of the good Sonic games), but still nowhere near Sonic 1 and 2 in quality or tone.

I see where you're coming from but after playing a lot of modern sonic games recently at least he doesn't control like a drunken potato. That probably explains why I was okay with them :D

In the land of Sega basic competence looks like brilliance.

Anyway I'm back to playing Lost World.

Mostly because I hate life.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D

Emperor Norton

Innovation =/= Good.

An example: Persona 4 is a much better game than Persona 3. The entirety of the gameplay systems is basically just P3 lifted and polished a bit, with a different story/setting/characters.

If every game is about innovating, then we won't get any incredibly polished gems. Last of Us is an incredibly polished game gameplay wise. Is the gameplay derivative? Absolutely. Its basically Uncharted gameplay with plantzombies and some stealth. But that doesn't make it bad.

Nier's gameplay is very reminiscent of a simplified God of War mechanics (when it isn't suddenly becoming an entirely different type of game, like the part where it becomes a text adventure game), but the story, presentation, and characters carry it into being one of the best games of the PS3/360 generation in my eyes.

Innovation for innovation's sake sucks. Innovation is only useful if it is actually FUN. I think its funny that the same site that champions Old School D&D is actually criticizing another medium for lack of innovation.

(I'm currently playing Dragon Quest VIII since it got an Android/iOS port that is pretty nice if you have a good tablet. A game that wasn't particularly innovative, but had a wonderful classic charm.)


Quote from: Piestrio;787882In the land of Sega basic competence looks like brilliance.

I always kinda wish someone at Sonic Team had just went to Nintendo and asked for help with 3D cameras. I like the speed-tricks-combos-ratings style of 3D Sonics (Even if it can be a little like a rhythm game at points), but Sonic also always had some solid exploration in it, it was never just "hold right to win". They don't seem to have hit that balance; recent Sega seems to be able to make games that go fast or games that go slow, but not mix the two.

I should go back and finish Generations; it was good.

Also, Sonic's stupid friends were better when they couldn't tell us about their stupid problems. He can have his stupid friends, and they can be playable (Gunbunny Tails would be fun in 2D, Amy is fun), as long as they shut the hell up and just do Sonic's levels.

Have you tried the GBA games? They're no S3&K, but they're enjoyable.
one two FUCK YOU


Quote from: Ladybird;787929I always kinda wish someone at Sonic Team had just went to Nintendo and asked for help with 3D cameras. I like the speed-tricks-combos-ratings style of 3D Sonics (Even if it can be a little like a rhythm game at points), but Sonic also always had some solid exploration in it, it was never just "hold right to win". They don't seem to have hit that balance; recent Sega seems to be able to make games that go fast or games that go slow, but not mix the two.

I should go back and finish Generations; it was good.

Also, Sonic's stupid friends were better when they couldn't tell us about their stupid problems. He can have his stupid friends, and they can be playable (Gunbunny Tails would be fun in 2D, Amy is fun), as long as they shut the hell up and just do Sonic's levels.

Have you tried the GBA games? They're no S3&K, but they're enjoyable.

I really like the GBA games.

I don't know when they decided hat Sonic needed a storyline but I can't help but feel that was one of the moments they started going off the tracks.

For all sonic was meant to be a Mario clone they missed one of the defining elements. Pure gameplay, story is unimportant.

Sonic 1&2 got this right, sonic CD and Sonic and 3 started getting cute and then it was just a deluge of shit and non-stop babbling friends.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


Finally beat sonic lost world.

It's not good but once you get the hang of it it's not bad either aside from a few questionable levels and pretty poor controls.

Overall 5/10. With better controls it might get a 6. If all the levels were like the best ones it would be a 7-8.


Good lord I'm actually considering playing all the 3D sonic titles *shudder*
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


Quote from: Piestrio;788448Finally beat sonic lost world.

It's not good but once you get the hang of it it's not bad either aside from a few questionable levels and pretty poor controls.

Overall 5/10. With better controls it might get a 6. If all the levels were like the best ones it would be a 7-8.


Good lord I'm actually considering playing all the 3D sonic titles *shudder*

If you're considering that, then you ought to read Sonic fanfic. That ought to make you drop playing those games.


Quote from: flyerfan1991;788470If you're considering that, then you ought to read Sonic fanfic. That ought to make you drop playing those games.

Just look at the fanart, same effect, much faster.
one two FUCK YOU


Backed Wasteland 2 when the kickstarter came up, just started playing it now that it's gone gold. It is without question one of the most old school CRPGs I've played in five years. Poke your nose the wrong direction or play stupid and it WILL kill you. Five times to my current count.

Feels a lot like playing a fallout game with a whole lot more characters and far better companion AI, even when followers do lose their shit. Follower personality is definitely a thing, story is interesting and the characters all seem rather savy about it when not panicking.

Play smart and it's a hell of a game. Now let's see if I can gank the prick that offed my party last night, I have heavy weapons for a reason.


Quote from: MrHurst;788500Backed Wasteland 2 when the kickstarter came up, just started playing it now that it's gone gold. It is without question one of the most old school CRPGs I've played in five years. Poke your nose the wrong direction or play stupid and it WILL kill you. Five times to my current count.

Feels a lot like playing a fallout game with a whole lot more characters and far better companion AI, even when followers do lose their shit. Follower personality is definitely a thing, story is interesting and the characters all seem rather savy about it when not panicking.

Play smart and it's a hell of a game. Now let's see if I can gank the prick that offed my party last night, I have heavy weapons for a reason.

I want to play wasteland 2 so badly but with a new baby in the house long form games are just not in the cards right now :/
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


'Grats, join the club :)

My daughter recently saw me playing on the xbox, looked around, picked up a spare wireless controller, and declared it hers. She's even taken it to bed with her. I don't mind - it's a spare, the battery pack is dead (And hidden somewhere else), and it keeps her happy... it's also very cute.
one two FUCK YOU

The Butcher

Quote from: Piestrio;788586I want to play wasteland 2 so badly but with a new baby in the house long form games are just not in the cards right now :/

Congratulations! :)