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Video Games: What are you playing?

Started by Piestrio, June 07, 2014, 12:02:29 AM

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Quote from: Opaopajr;784904Rayman series is just great. Rayman 2 when it came out was like a revelation of what you could do with a 3D platformer -- and a child friendly one, too!

I was a big fan of all the Rareware stuff on the N64, especially Conker's Bad Fur Day, which I still don't think has been beaten for quality of writing. Damn shame he never got another game.

I'll give it a shot.
one two FUCK YOU


It is unfortunate there are so many disappointed and disparate WoW fans. It is almost as if they need their own private server to RP on!
I play these games to be entertained... I don't want to see games about rape, sodomy and drug addiction... I can get all that at home.


Quote from: BarefootGaijin;785075It is unfortunate there are so many disappointed and disparate WoW fans. It is almost as if they need their own private server to RP on!

So, this is something I genuinely don't get. Why would people go to WoW to do roleplay, when it's not as versatile a client as Second Life (You've got far fewer options for customisation and animations, plus you're stuck in Azeroth), or they could get skype and... play an RPG together?

A decade ago, when we didn't have fat internet pipes, sure, I can see that, or doing it on a MUD. But why today?
one two FUCK YOU


Quote from: Ladybird;785080So, this is something I genuinely don't get. Why would people go to WoW to do roleplay, when it's not as versatile a client as Second Life (You've got far fewer options for customisation and animations, plus you're stuck in Azeroth), or they could get skype and... play an RPG together?

A decade ago, when we didn't have fat internet pipes, sure, I can see that, or doing it on a MUD. But why today?

TBH, I'd say (based on personal experience) that the majority of people on RP servers don't RP at all; they just prefer less garbage from Gen Chat and Trade Chat.

People who do RP on those servers kind of divide into a couple of different camps: those who RP as their sole interest, those who RP yet perform regular WoW activities (such as raiding and BGs), those who want to perform erotic roleplay, and a bunch of people who'd be labelled "other".

I knew people who were in the first two categories, and that second group would not be so enthralled with RP as that would prevent them from switching servers if they felt their raiding would benefit. But that third group...

The tawdry reputation of some servers, such as Moon Guard-US, has spilled out from the WoW-centric geekdom into general geekery. And since you can play WoW for free from L1-15, you can create an Alliance toon on Moon Guard and traipse on over to Goldshire to see what the ERP crowd is doing. And while it's been under more of a lockdown than it was a few years ago, it still can get pretty risque.

If there's an equivalent on other MMOs, I'm not quite aware of it. Sure, there's ERP that goes on, but I've not heard of a destination for it like you see in WoW, and that might be a reason why people keep RP-ing on WoW.


Quote from: flyerfan1991;785040Must have been running Horde, then. I've been in way too many BGs to not know the difference in faction quality on BGs not named Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest.

Oh no.  If I was going to be gankmaster rogue supreme there was only one way to go:  Night Elf.

Hogstrosity was the toon, on Duskwood.  Too bad the Armory pruned him already...
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

The Butcher

Fun anecdote: my WoW account has just been hacked. Someone tried to sell my level 90, item level 447 (LOL) Undead Warlock. Who said that WoW is dead, huh? :D

The Butcher

Quote from: BarefootGaijin;785075It is unfortunate there are so many disappointed and disparate WoW fans. It is almost as if they need their own private server to RP on!

If it's pre-Cata, I'm in.


I just bought a PS3 specifically to plat The Last of Us...and I am disappointed so far. The game runs basically on rails. You watch some set pieces, listen to some dialog, run the rat maze and then rinse and repeat.

Am I missing something?

jan paparazzi

I play a lot of indie games lately.

I played the really well done puzzle platformer The Swapper. A game in which you solve puzzles by cloning yourself and switching to your clones. Good puzzles, good story, recommended. Just as good as Braid. Brilliant game.

I also played Max the Curse of Brotherhood. Again a puzzle platformer (love that stuff), but this game is more a platformer than a puzzle game. You do a lot of platform jumping while using earth pillars, water beams, flame bolts and vines created with a magic marker. Reviews are mediocre, but I don't think that's deserved. It's a good game.
May I say that? Yes, I may say that!

jan paparazzi

I played Stick it to the Man a platform game that looks like it's made Tim Schafer. But it isn't. Really cool graphics, but very short. Finished it in five hours. But then again that's the good thing about indies. You can play a lot of them even if you don't have a lot of time. If you want to play something like the legendary Psychonauts, then this is the game for you.

I also played Dust an Elysian Tale. A hack and slash platformer with some RPG elements. Really cool visually and the combat is quite spectacular. You flash across the screen almost like a ninja gaiden game.
May I say that? Yes, I may say that!

jan paparazzi

I played a lot of Faster than Light. It's a space sim. I mean that quite literally. You see a map of your space ship with rooms and your crew. And you can power up your shields, lasers, oxigen, teleporter etc. A difficult game. But very addictive.

Another game I played is Papers Please. It's a bureaucracy simulator. Really. And it's awesome. You work as an immigration officer at the border of Arstotzka, a fictional communist country. The longer you play the more complicated all the paper work becomes. It's really funny in a depressing way. It always cracks me up to bodyscan people for contraband. Those things only happen in dictatorships. ;)
May I say that? Yes, I may say that!

jan paparazzi

Ok, last two. I play a lot of adventure games without the puzzles lately.

I played a lot of Telltale games. Of course they have the Sam and Max and Monkey Island games. They are very good, play them. But I am talking about their new franchises The Walking Dead and The Wolf among Us. Both very recommended. Keep you at the edge of your seat. Top notch decision making. Your choices really have impact.

Another game I played is the very arty farty Kentucky Route Zero. I can't really recommend this to any one. It is so weird, but I love it. It is a magic realistic story about a guy with an antique shop. He sold his store, but before he retires he has to deliver one package. And the only way he can reach his destination is Route Zero. Just check it out on youtube. Most people won't like this one, because it's hardly a game. But it grabbed me.

Oh, I also played Gemini Rue. A pixel art point and click adventure. Puzzles are quite easy, but the story is really well done. The game just oozes atmosphere. It's a cyberpunk game about one guy who is a police officer tracking down his brother and another guy who is a prisoner in a brainwashing facility.
May I say that? Yes, I may say that!


Quote from: AnthonyRoberson;785245I just bought a PS3 specifically to plat The Last of Us...and I am disappointed so far. The game runs basically on rails. You watch some set pieces, listen to some dialog, run the rat maze and then rinse and repeat.

Am I missing something?

No that's basically your modern AAA game.

Last Of Us was just that with enough wankery to appeal to people that think games should be high "literary" art-forms. Which is basically anyone who writes about video games online.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


I'm playing Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition on PS4 with my wife. Really fun button-mashing monster slaughtering. We haven't bothered trying to follow the "story".

Everything I've seen of the WoW setting - I have never played the game - looks incredibly stupid. It does not make me want to give it a try at all.
It\'s not Its

"It\'s said that governments are chiefed by the double tongues" - Ten Bears (The Outlaw Josey Wales)



Quote from: 3rik;785537I'm playing Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition on PS4 with my wife. Really fun button-mashing monster slaughtering. We haven't bothered trying to follow the "story".

I'm watching the new Gauntlet for this same opportunity...
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."