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Video Games: What are you playing?

Started by Piestrio, June 07, 2014, 12:02:29 AM

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Yeah that was mainly commentary on WoW's PVP more than me having unrealistic expectations out of a millions-of-players-playing MMO.

Haven't logged into WoW for several weeks now as I'm back in Avalon, the text MUD which is an entirely different experience.
El Salvador, The Crescent Plague: Thakrian Warlock
My current RPG obsession, Avalon: The Legend Lives
Available most evenings for a quick pint at The Halfway Tavern


I played a bit of WoW years ago, but didn't find the setting or socialising as interesting as mudding, the gameplay as fun as Diablo or Guild Wars, the dungeons as much fun as Zelda, or the deathmatch as fun as Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 (Seriously, competitive mode where players start on statistically uneven footing, where some characters can just BE BETTER? lolno).

So I stopped.
one two FUCK YOU

Shipyard Locked

Finished Shovel Knight and Rayman: Legends a while ago. Those were great. Every time I think I've seen everything platformers have to offer I get proven wrong in the most pleasant way.


I haven't played any of the Raymans, but I do like a good 2d Mario game. Reckon they're worth the spend?
one two FUCK YOU


Rayman series is just great. Rayman 2 when it came out was like a revelation of what you could do with a 3D platformer -- and a child friendly one, too!
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Quote from: Elsalvador;784677Yeah that was mainly commentary on WoW's PVP more than me having unrealistic expectations out of a millions-of-players-playing MMO.

Haven't logged into WoW for several weeks now as I'm back in Avalon, the text MUD which is an entirely different experience.

Hmmm, tell me more about this Avalon thing.
I play these games to be entertained... I don't want to see games about rape, sodomy and drug addiction... I can get all that at home.


I uninstalled World of Warplanes. Their last patch (1.5) changed even basic gameplay, almost a year after the game's release. A forum member was tracking online players before the patch, and it was trending upwards. After the patch, fully 35% of the playerbase quit the game within a day, and it's been trending downwards since then. Star Wars Galaxies...
Sword and Board - My blog about BFRPG, S&W, Hi/Lo Heroes, and other games.
Sword & Board: BFRPG Supplement Free pdf. Cheap print version.
Bushi D6  Samurai and D6!
Bushi setting map


Really WoW, the pandas killed it for me.  Just one straw too many.

I was deep into it, too.  Guild leader, raid leader, etc.  I even leveled a rogue to 85 solely via Pvp.  He has fewer than 20 quests completed, and a fair-to-middling Arena record.

My recent find, via gog.com - Dungeon Keeper 2!  It was $6.  I can slap imps again and kill dwarves who invade my sanctum.

The just don't make games like that anymore...
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


Quote from: mcbobbo;784955My recent find, via gog.com - Dungeon Keeper 2!  It was $6.  I can slap imps again and kill dwarves who invade my sanctum.
The just don't make games like that anymore...

There are a number of games from the pre-graphics API days that I would Kickstarter the hell out of updated versions of.  I don't even want the gameplay to change, just give me HD graphics implemented on top of a real portable API.
D&D is becoming Self-Referential.  It is no longer Setting Referential, where it takes references outside of itself. It is becoming like Ouroboros in its self-gleaning for tropes, no longer attached, let alone needing outside context.
~ Opaopajr


Quote from: mcbobbo;784955Really WoW, the pandas killed it for me.  Just one straw too many.

I was deep into it, too.  Guild leader, raid leader, etc.  I even leveled a rogue to 85 solely via Pvp.  He has fewer than 20 quests completed, and a fair-to-middling Arena record.

My recent find, via gog.com - Dungeon Keeper 2!  It was $6.  I can slap imps again and kill dwarves who invade my sanctum.

The just don't make games like that anymore...

I'm also guilty of the "leveling via PvP" phenomenon, having done it with a Warlock in Cata and a Rogue in Mists. And naturally, after I switch to a new main (Rogue) for Mists, they completely redo the Warlock and move them from being "Rogue chow" to the top five for dps in BGs.


Quote from: flyerfan1991;784962I'm also guilty of the "leveling via PvP" phenomenon, having done it with a Warlock in Cata and a Rogue in Mists. And naturally, after I switch to a new main (Rogue) for Mists, they completely redo the Warlock and move them from being "Rogue chow" to the top five for dps in BGs.

Typical. I always feel as though this happens to me when I re-roll. Levelling via PVP is definitely doable although it depends how quickly you want to rollock through the levels via this method.

Add to the mix that low level BGs are ridiculously unbalanced and class-choice is often a very relevant criterion for your ability to be able to do this. Hunters/Rogues/Warriors are great at it, Mages less so until 50+ I think.

And of course Healers are gods all the way up to and including 90...
El Salvador, The Crescent Plague: Thakrian Warlock
My current RPG obsession, Avalon: The Legend Lives
Available most evenings for a quick pint at The Halfway Tavern


Quote from: Elsalvador;785016Add to the mix that low level BGs are ridiculously unbalanced and class-choice is often a very relevant criterion for your ability to be able to do this. Hunters/Rogues/Warriors are great at it, Mages less so until 50+ I think.

Imbalance was a factor.  He had massively twinked out heirlooms.  I got almost every WSG achievement before he qualified for AB.
"It is the mark of an [intelligent] mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


Quote from: mcbobbo;785019Imbalance was a factor.  He had massively twinked out heirlooms.  I got almost every WSG achievement before he qualified for AB.

Yeah that sounds about right. I got Ironman the same way :D
El Salvador, The Crescent Plague: Thakrian Warlock
My current RPG obsession, Avalon: The Legend Lives
Available most evenings for a quick pint at The Halfway Tavern


Quote from: mcbobbo;785019Imbalance was a factor.  He had massively twinked out heirlooms.  I got almost every WSG achievement before he qualified for AB.

Must have been running Horde, then. I've been in way too many BGs to not know the difference in faction quality on BGs not named Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest.


Quote from: Elsalvador;785016Typical. I always feel as though this happens to me when I re-roll. Levelling via PVP is definitely doable although it depends how quickly you want to rollock through the levels via this method.

Add to the mix that low level BGs are ridiculously unbalanced and class-choice is often a very relevant criterion for your ability to be able to do this. Hunters/Rogues/Warriors are great at it, Mages less so until 50+ I think.

And of course Healers are gods all the way up to and including 90...

(This is all as of a month ago, so YMMV.)

Rogues clean up in the two lowest BG ranges, but starting about the mid-20s the Disco Priest begins to dominate the field.  Hunters are good throughout, as are Warriors, but once Demo Warlocks get the Wild Imp capability the DPS skews heavily in their direction.

And I don't wanna talk about Death Knights. I was once in a WSG run with 8 DKs. BG balance, my ass.