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Favorite MtG Card Series/Block

Started by IggytheBorg, February 27, 2015, 08:00:55 PM

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I played Magic Edition VI back in the 90's with some friends, and hadn't played since until my son found my cards and became interested.  Since then, we've acquired a boatload of the 2015 Core Set, and cards from the Theros block  and the Gatecrash set.  A guy my wife works with also gave us a HUUUUUUGE number of stuff dating back to the Mirrodin and Innistrad blocks.  I admittedly don't know much about what happened in between.

So far, I like the concept of the Innistrad block the best (as a horror fan, the idea of hordes of vampires, werewolves and zombies taking over the world is just awesome), but I like the mechanics of the Return to Ravnica block.  There's just so much going on with each guild having its own new mechanic (The Orzhov Extortion mechanic, or the Simic Evolve mechanic, for instance).  We've built some fantastic decks around these.

I was curious as to what those playing MtG thought was their favorite series/block?


i dont play but there was one that i loved for the sheer butthurt from the sjws i cant remember what it was called though
If your having tier problems i feel bad for you son i got 99 problems but caster supremacy aint 1.

Apology\'s if there is no punctuation in the above post its probably my autism making me forget.


I would like to make a Cube using the Innistrad block.
I think that would be the best block for a themed Cube.
If I wanted a larger but not really themed Cube Ravnica and Return to Ravnica would be a good choice.

Personally I prefer playing Commander(EDH) or 2 Headed Giant using Tiny Leader decks.


I liked the werewolves in Innistrad and some of the concepts in return to Ravnica but I am really digging the current set (Tarkir.)  I think it really hangs together well both conceptually and gameplay wise.


I liked Fallen Empires the most. It was a much maligned set, but the "rares" were easier to get, and every color got some key cards that had legs.

Well, except maybe Blue, but I sure had fun with Deep Spawn.
(taken during hurricane winds)

A nice education blog.


I like the block that allowed the Phyrexians to come back and win.  Sorry I am a huge murder robot fan.  I love the necrons, terminators, the borg, and so of course I would love the phyrexians.  I love their black mana filled industrial undead cyborg theme when they first show up as it reminds me the music that Nine Inch Nails had done.  I love their multiple color concepts now as well.  I still like the black mana industrial concept better, but hey they had returned so I am pleased to see them come back.


ok worked it out its Avacyn Restored

and while i dont know how to play magic the effects on Triumph of Ferocity and Triumph of Cruelty look quite handy
If your having tier problems i feel bad for you son i got 99 problems but caster supremacy aint 1.

Apology\'s if there is no punctuation in the above post its probably my autism making me forget.

Shipyard Locked

Quote from: Snowman0147;818287I like the block that allowed the Phyrexians to come back and win.  Sorry I am a huge murder robot fan.  I love the necrons, terminators, the borg, and so of course I would love the phyrexians.  I love their black mana filled industrial undead cyborg theme when they first show up as it reminds me the music that Nine Inch Nails had done.  I love their multiple color concepts now as well.  I still like the black mana industrial concept better, but hey they had returned so I am pleased to see them come back.

See, I hated that block because it ruined one of the best planes the game has come up with, Mirrodin. I don't mind the Phyrixians, but Mirrodin was a rare bird, a fantasy setting about artifice that was NOT steam punk or conventional sci fi and still represented the five colors well. Now it's just another nightmare. At least the art was still top notch and inspiring as fuck.

Other favorite sets include Visions because I loved the way the colors (actual colors, not mana colors) looked in the art, Kamigawa because I love its monster designs, Tempest block because that's when I was playing my personal best, and Future Sight because it did things I wish regular magic would actually do with the color's abilities (blue discard sub-theme and vigilance for instance).


I really dig Innistrad. That's the block I was most involved in though.


I forgot to mention I LOVE the Dimir Guild's Cipher mechanic.  I constructed a Dimir deck for my son, and he has used it to great effect against me on the strength of that mechanic.  *Sniff!*  So proud. . .


Quote from: tuypo1;818301ok worked it out its Avacyn Restored

and while i dont know how to play magic the effects on Triumph of Ferocity and Triumph of Cruelty look quite handy

on the other end of the spectrum i like fate reforged because alesha who smiles at death angers /pol/ plus its not a bad card im considering putting her in my dec
k for friday.

But social justice wariors and transphobes aside i have to vote for 2015 core set because it has siege dragon and siege dragon is by far my favourite card.
If your having tier problems i feel bad for you son i got 99 problems but caster supremacy aint 1.

Apology\'s if there is no punctuation in the above post its probably my autism making me forget.


My favorite block was the Eventide, Morningtide and Shadowmoor hands down. I started when New Phyrexia came out but the block before was still readily available and is still my favorite now.
(Kylan and Xanthe on Avalon, //www.avalon-rpg.com, since 1996)


I like the theme and most of the mechanics of Innistrad.  Unless they come out with a pseudo-Egyptian themed block that'll probably remain my favorite.  Had high hopes for the Greek one but that fell flat for me.  Also loved the start of the Zendikar block but it went far from the archaeology / Indiana Jones feel I was hoping it would take by the last set.


Really enjoyed Ravnica first time round. Big fan of R/G and Gruul was lots of fun.

Shards of Alara was also great fun. I clearly like the multicolour blocks.

Finally, Lorwyn Block had me playing G/B elves for 2 years. I loved that it usually beat Jund, mainly thanks to Chameleon Colossus blanking most of their removal.

Now I play Jund of course :)

(Ravnica still number one)