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Gaming Miniatures/Models

Started by Crüesader, June 07, 2016, 01:02:51 AM

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Battle Mad Ronin

Good stuff both of you! I'll try and get some pictures of my fantasy minis up.


I just started painting minis for the first time in 20 years, so thanks for this thread! Thanks for the tips, Cruesader.

I'm looking for a single mini - a fucking Flailsnail. Or any giant snail, for that matter.

Also, any tips on making a wash? I am using Reaper HD paints, and I can never get a wash to be the way I want it. It's either black as my soul or is so light it disappears completely when it dries. I can't seem to find a happy medium.
Like everyone else, I have a blog

Battle Mad Ronin

Quote from: everloss;903553I just started painting minis for the first time in 20 years, so thanks for this thread! Thanks for the tips, Cruesader.

I'm looking for a single mini - a fucking Flailsnail. Or any giant snail, for that matter.

Also, any tips on making a wash? I am using Reaper HD paints, and I can never get a wash to be the way I want it. It's either black as my soul or is so light it disappears completely when it dries. I can't seem to find a happy medium.

My go to for washes: Mix paint + water. Have a newspaper handy. Now try your wash on the newsaper. You want your wash to be thick/thin enough that you can just barely read the newspaper. If you can't make out the letters, thin it down. If the letters are clear as day try a thicker combination. Little rule of thumb that has helped me :)

Dr. Ink'n'stain

I could have sworn Otherworld would have had a flail snail, guess I was mistaken. They have a honking big slug though.

Never used Reaper paints, except for one freebie bottle of brown. These days, I mostly use Vallejo inks for washes. And most of the times, even those need to be thinned quote a bit to not totally cover the underlying tone. Biggest drawback of inks I think is that they leave a glossy tint though.

What's with metallics these days? I still have some old Citadel Colors that cover nicely with even a single application, but both Vallejo and GW metallics - especially gold - seem to be too runny to actually function as paint. Have I just been unlucky, or is there a conspiracy to get people on board the NMM train?
Castle Ink\'n\'Stain < Delusions of Grandeur


Quote from: Dr. Ink'n'stain;903641What's with metallics these days? I still have some old Citadel Colors that cover nicely with even a single application, but both Vallejo and GW metallics - especially gold - seem to be too runny to actually function as paint. Have I just been unlucky, or is there a conspiracy to get people on board the NMM train?

Honestly, as blasphemous as it sounds, Citadel does a pretty decent job with metallics.  Best thing I can recommend is find a buddy that wants some, then split the cost with him.  Unless you're doing Necron armies or Iron Warriors or some shit, you shouldn't need a lot of it.  

And double Heresy- Testors has limited, but functional gunmetal and silver.

Dr. Ink'n'stain

I've been hearing good things about Testors, will have to look at those.

Thanks to this thread, and a couple of rainy days that prevented me from working outside, I've managed to rescue some miniatures from the all too common for me 'basecoated-but-then-I-ran-out-of-steam' fugue state. In 'all-but-finished' state are now some Italian Crossbowmen and Italian Heavy Infantry from Perry Miniatures, Maike von Ostwald from Hasslefree, and some Lesser Undead from Red Box, complemented with Glom from Reaper. Oh, and lurking in the background, there's a Formless Spawn from Avolak castings.


Next up should be some Red Box Njorn Thugs from the recent Kickstarter, as soon as they ship.
Castle Ink\'n\'Stain < Delusions of Grandeur


My wife and kids got me this for father's day



It is awesome for organizing paint and paint supplies.

I combined the above with a revolving craft paint organizer from AC Moore and it really upped the organizing of the stuff I used for painting miniatures and props.


K Peterson

Quote from: Crüesader;902279Are you looking for a particular model/miniature?  State what kind of character/critter you're looking for and myself and probably others can help you find not one, but several and help you find a place that sells it.
I'm looking for some 28mm minis that would make for great, 1920s-era, Call of Cthulhu cultists. Robe-wearing, ritual-sacrificing, wild-eyed, insane-bastards. Or plain-clothes insane-bastards.

Artizan Design's cultists look a little to ridiculous, KKK to me. RAFM Call of Cthulhu minis are a little cartoony-looking to me - though I love this 'great beast': Crowley.

For investigators and NPCs, I'm using a variety of Copplestone Castings' 'Gangsters' and 'High-Adventure' adventurers, and some of Artizan Designs' 'Thrilling Tales' scholarly-types.

chirine ba kal

Quote from: K Peterson;905896I'm looking for some 28mm minis that would make for great, 1920s-era, Call of Cthulhu cultists. Robe-wearing, ritual-sacrificing, wild-eyed, insane-bastards. Or plain-clothes insane-bastards.

Artizan Design's cultists look a little to ridiculous, KKK to me. RAFM Call of Cthulhu minis are a little cartoony-looking to me - though I love this 'great beast': Crowley.

For investigators and NPCs, I'm using a variety of Copplestone Castings' 'Gangsters' and 'High-Adventure' adventurers, and some of Artizan Designs' 'Thrilling Tales' scholarly-types.

Dark Fable Miniatures 'Temple of Set'; robes, daggers, crazed looks on their faces.



K Peterson

Dr. Ink'n'stain

Pulp Figures also have some that might be appropriate:

Cowled Cultists
Female Cowled Cultists

There are also some with gasmasks and more advanced weaponry...
Castle Ink\'n\'Stain < Delusions of Grandeur