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Spy DNA tactical squad RPG now on Kickstarter

Started by shysnake, June 21, 2016, 05:46:12 PM

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Spy DNA, the game we've been working on for the past year, is on Kickstarter right now.

Spy DNA is a tactical squad RPG for Windows PC that combines turn-based game mechanics with realistic combat simulation.

Using advanced genetic modification technology, you create and enhance your super-spy character to match your playstyle. The game puts you in command of a small team of super-spies on missions around the globe.

You can help by pledging (even one dollar helps boost the number of backers!) or by spreading the word to your friends or on social media. Or you could do both!

We are greatly inspired by the RPGs of the past that made the genre popular in the first place: Jagged Alliance, Silent Storm, and the original XCOM.

You can learn more about the game on our developer blog.
Thank you for your help!


Looks awesome! I like everything (except maybe the "DNA" part ;-) ).


Thank you!

If you want to read a bit more, we just got interviewed by One Angry Gamer blog:

We're working on AI right now, making it aware of its surroundings and teaching it to evaluate threats.