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So who else is excited about the re-release of Car Wars?

Started by TristramEvans, April 10, 2013, 08:33:51 PM

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Quote from: David Johansen;646342Well they did do GURPS Autoduel.  In a particularly bizzare moment they decided to dumb down the vehicle design system for it.

What they did was translate the mechanics for vehicle combat direct across to GURPS, resulting in Car Wars with GURPS mechanics.  That this resulted in .50 cal vehicle mounted MGs having 3d6 Cr damage is just part of the hilarious failure charm.
D&D is becoming Self-Referential.  It is no longer Setting Referential, where it takes references outside of itself. It is becoming like Ouroboros in its self-gleaning for tropes, no longer attached, let alone needing outside context.
~ Opaopajr

Shawn Driscoll

Just remember that in Car Wars, pointing a gun to your own head and shooting never kills you on the first shot.  I don't remember why you should remember this though.

Bradford C. Walker

Quote from: Shawn Driscoll;649396Just remember that in Car Wars, pointing a gun to your own head and shooting never kills you on the first shot.  I don't remember why you should remember this though.
Pedestrians have 3 HP.  Light Pistols do 1 HP in damage.  Heavy Pistols do 2.  Pedestrians go down when they are at 1 HP, and die at 0.  Therefore no one can kill himself with a handgun in Car Wars.


Quote from: Bradford C. Walker;651566Pedestrians have 3 HP.  Light Pistols do 1 HP in damage.  Heavy Pistols do 2.  Pedestrians go down when they are at 1 HP, and die at 0.  Therefore no one can kill himself with a handgun in Car Wars.

Because you're supposed to run them over with your car!

David Johansen

Well, the first edition of GURPS Autoduel was a bit of a mess.  The setting is a fun cyberpunk lite kinda playground.  The second edition of GURPS Autoduel used GURPS Vehicles first edition.  They decided that all autodueling weaponry was actually deliberately underpowered for the sake of spectacle.  Because let me tell you, in straight up GURPS Vehicles autoduels lasting two seconds would be unheard of.  Still, I kinda prefer settings with real military hardware where the one shot kill stuff is pretty irreplaceable and very expensive while stuff like light machine gun bullets are dirt cheap.
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Quote from: TristramEvans;646554so, just like OD&D.
Hm. No. Not really. The marketing basically demanded for it to be branded a medieval miniatures wargame, and the ties to Chainmail were added by Gary after the fact of the playtest, according to Rob Kuntz. Of course, the link to Chainmail is real, in the sense that Arneson's Blackmoor was originally a Chainmail game with elements of Braunstein Diplomacy etc etc, but all in all, the way D&D took the wargaming world by storm kind of proves that it was more of a (later dubbed) role playing game than an actual wargame, hence the differentiation.


Not too excited about Cars Wars just yet. Want it, ...however am still waiting on the actual release of the new Kickstarter version of Ogre.
Blackmoor grew from a single Castle to include, first, several adjacent Castles (with the forces of Evil lying just off the edge of the world to an entire Northern Province of the Castle and Crusade Society's Great Kingdom.

~ Dave Arneson


Quote from: Benoist;651596Hm. No. Not really. The marketing basically demanded for it to be branded a medieval miniatures wargame, and the ties to Chainmail were added by Gary after the fact of the playtest, according to Rob Kuntz. Of course, the link to Chainmail is real, in the sense that Arneson's Blackmoor was originally a Chainmail game with elements of Braunstein Diplomacy etc etc, but all in all, the way D&D took the wargaming world by storm kind of proves that it was more of a (later dubbed) role playing game than an actual wargame, hence the differentiation.

More thats its an RPG with a tactical wargame-like combat/vehicle system. Apparently that makes it "not an RPG", despite the fact that in it you play a character, you design a car (about the most in-character chargen system imaginable), and the rules mainly pertain to things you do in the vehicle (just as many early rpgs just had rules for things you do in combat), leaving you free to roleplay the rest of the game (character interaction) freeform.

I find Pundit's declaration specious at best.


Quote from: TristramEvans;663722I find Pundit's declaration specious at best.

I find your own declarations on this topic specious. *shrug*


Quote from: Benoist;663729I find your own declarations on this topic specious. *shrug*

The difference being I'm not running the site and enforcing my specious opinions on others, naturally. "You can't talk about this RPG on the RPG forum because I've decided its not a real RPG Blar!" and so on...


Quote from: TristramEvans;663731The difference being I'm not running the site and enforcing my specious opinions on others, naturally. "You can't talk about this RPG on the RPG forum because I've decided its not a real RPG Blar!" and so on...

You could have your site and run it with all the specious opinions you wanted. You'd be the owner. And that would be it.


Quote from: Benoist;663739You could have your site and run it with all the specious opinions you wanted. You'd be the owner. And that would be it.

Yep, I could. I could also buy an island and make it my own sovereign country.

Don't expect to do either anytime soon. But bitching about things online? I gots time for that. :)


Quote from: TristramEvans;664066Yep, I could. I could also buy an island and make it my own sovereign country.

Don't expect to do either anytime soon. But bitching about things online? I gots time for that. :)

Good. At least you've got some sense of what it is you are doing. :)

I mean it without sarcasm.