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Looking for a new RPG, HELP!

Started by Unreliable, June 19, 2013, 05:48:55 AM

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I am an RPG fan and looking for a new RPG. I can't seem to find one that meets my expectations. I really enjoyed Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
I've playing:
- Kingdom's of Amalur
- Skyrim
- Borderlands 1 & 2
- Dragon's Dogma
- Demon's Souls
- Dark Souls
- Guild Wars 2
- Diablo II & III
- League of Legends
- Rift
- WoW (6 years ago and only for 24 hours, didn't like it)
- Much more

I want a game (prefer ps3) that has a nice post-game. Late-game.
I want to be able to look for better armor, fight bosses (solo or team).
I like to fight monster and see if they drop anything good. WoW and RuneScape would fit this requierment but I don't have any interest in any of those games. It doesn't really have to be MMO, I really prefer it to be on the PS3.

Any ideas? Need more info? Just ask me! :)

Many Thanks!


This forum is focused on Pen and Paper RPGs rather than RPG Computer Games.


Ya, this is a pencil and dice forum, and this will probably be moved to other games.

That said, you didn't list Dragon Age.  It is fantastic, and  it's available on PS3 too.  Also, the third installment is in the works for the new systems to come.  Edit: Oh, with your experience with this type of game, play even your first time through Dragon Age at Hard difficulty.


Quote from: Unreliable;663783I want a game (prefer ps3) that has a nice post-game. Late-game.
I want to be able to look for better armor, fight bosses (solo or team).
I like to fight monster and see if they drop anything good. WoW and RuneScape would fit this requierment but I don't have any interest in any of those games. It doesn't really have to be MMO, I really prefer it to be on the PS3.

Any ideas? Need more info? Just ask me! :)

Many Thanks!

If you have a 3DS or a WiiU, get Monster Hunter.

Just don't expect an easy game that holds your hand.
one two FUCK YOU


Witcher 2, though I'm not sure it's a PS3 title. It definitely rocks on the PC, though.
Sword and Board - My blog about BFRPG, S&W, Hi/Lo Heroes, and other games.
Sword & Board: BFRPG Supplement Free pdf. Cheap print version.
Bushi D6  Samurai and D6!
Bushi setting map


Quote from: jadrax;663786This forum is focused on Pen and Paper RPGs rather than RPG Computer Games.

Yeah, because none of us play computer games and can't give recommendations. :p
Sword and Board - My blog about BFRPG, S&W, Hi/Lo Heroes, and other games.
Sword & Board: BFRPG Supplement Free pdf. Cheap print version.
Bushi D6  Samurai and D6!
Bushi setting map


Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.

Both on PS3, both older (i.e. cheapers) both really great games.

Fallout 3 is a bit more focused and "story-centric" whereas New Vegas is much more open.
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D