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Is there a sci-fi equivalent to HeroQuest that is currently in print?

Started by Crusader X, May 28, 2024, 07:54:48 PM

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Crusader X

So I just recently heard about a game called Space Crusade which seems to basically be a space/sci-fi version of HeroQuest.  Unfortunately, Space Crusade, which came out in 1990, never got an actual re-relase like HeroQuest did.

Space Crusade would be exactly what I'm looking for, if it were in print.  But there must be current games that are in print today that are similar.

I'm looking for something fairly simple and easy to play.  And I'm also looking for one board game, and not an entire hobby, so I don't want something that I would need to sink alot of time and money into because the game requires me to buy more stuff.  Some expansions would be fine, but I ideally want to buy a game where everything I need is in one box and it will give me and my gaming table a good number of hours of entertainment, without needing to buy anything else.


A lot are out of print.
My first thoughts were Space Hulk, and Siege of the Citadel.
Both games I've played into the ground and love a lot. Both are OOP.
Blackstone Fortress is a 40k dungeon crawler, but it's also OOP. It was a recent release, so you might be able to find it on shelves or online for sale. I haven't played it so can't comment on the gameplay.

Games that I know of but have not played.

*Edit* this should go at the top of the list, Imperial Assault! A Star Wars "dungeon crawler". Still in print, AFAIK.





5 Parsecs is a solo wargame with RPG elements that I am currently playing. There are scenarios that resemble 'dungeon crawls'.

I'm sure there's some more I'm not remembering at the moment.

If that interests you, there is another game, Stargrave, that is similar.


Oh, Space Station Zero as well.


I know I'm wandering into miniatures agnostic games that will require you to put together a collection of minis and terrain, but there's not much out there right now that fits your description of what you want.

The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Core Space is probably the closest thing. You should be able to get the main box (either one, there are two standalone main sets) for a little under a C-note, and all of the (copious) expansions just add missions/terrain/minis.

Hell, you get a 2x2 neoprene mat with it, and enough cardboard terrain to fill it. And not just "hey, let's put two terrain pieces in each quadrant and call it good."

Edit: Damn, Ratman,_tf you have excellent taste. All that stuff is good.


Quote from: Thornhammer on May 28, 2024, 09:31:53 PMCore Space is probably the closest thing. You should be able to get the main box (either one, there are two standalone main sets) for a little under a C-note, and all of the (copious) expansions just add missions/terrain/minis.

Hell, you get a 2x2 neoprene mat with it, and enough cardboard terrain to fill it. And not just "hey, let's put two terrain pieces in each quadrant and call it good."

Edit: Damn, Ratman,_tf you have excellent taste. All that stuff is good.


Can reccomend all the Battlesystems stuffs. Even if you don't play Core Space, the terrain is pretty system/setting agnostic.

The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.

David Johansen

Mantic has Star Saga, not sure if it's in print right now.

Games Workshop actually has Black Stone Fortress though again, availability may be an issue.

There was a kickstarter for a reprint of Legions of Steel a couple years ago but I don't know what became of it.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


A company a year or five ago was doing a remake of MC: Assault on the Citadel.

Theres been a few new ones but none really worth note.

But have a glance at Shadows of Brimstone and its sister game Forbidden Fortress. Shadows of Brimstone is Western setting that crosses over into alot of different genres and worlds. Alien Invasion, Post Apoc, Lovecraftian, Dinosaurs and more.

Problem is some of the expansions are one and done and that put me off it.