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D&D video games coming back to life

Started by Piestrio, March 23, 2013, 03:14:44 AM

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QuoteDungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara brings reworkings of two of Capcom's classic arcade hits—Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara—together in one definitive digital package for current generation platforms. Just as in the arcades, up to four players will select their character class before doing battle against the mythical beasts from the Dungeons and Dragons' universe with a mix of melee, range and magic attacks.

Platforms: Digital download for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U & PC
Release Date: June 2013
Rating: T for Teen

Anyone ever play these?

They look like Gauntlet Legends clones (not that that's a bad thing).
Disclaimer: I attach no moral weight to the way you choose to pretend to be an elf.

Currently running: The Great Pendragon Campaign & DC Adventures - Timberline
Currently Playing: AD&D


They're side-scrolling brawlers, in the style of Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Alien vs Predator (The 90's arcade game), Double Dragon, etc. I've never played those ones, but it's a genre Capcom used to be brilliant at. Wikipedia says they're slightly more technical than most of the genre, but don't expect something unplayably complex or hard to grasp; these were originally designed as quarter-munchers.

If you were so inclined, you could get them running right now, on your PC, using MAME. But that's beyond the scope of this website.
one two FUCK YOU


I pumped quite a bit of coinage into these years ago. I found them fun. Far more complex than their "spiritual" ancestor Golden Axe, but in a good way.
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
Hearts & Souls 2E Coming in 2019

The Butcher

Holy shit!

I don't know which makes me happier: that D&D videogames are back, or that beat 'em up sidescrollers are back.

The Butcher

Quote from: Silverlion;639650I pumped quite a bit of coinage into these years ago. I found them fun. Far more complex than their "spiritual" ancestor Golden Axe, but in a good way.

Golden Axe was a truckload of fun, but before ToD and SoM came out, I was spending my allowance on Capcom's King of Dragons. God, that game was awesome (in 1991 anyway). It had D&D written all over it, with bosses such as the Orc King, boulder-throwing Cyclopes, and of course a giant honking Dragon at the end.


now if only turn based RPG games would come back...
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.


Anybody remember Rastan?

For a brief period of time, I was pumping in quarter after quarter into this game.  I never really got that far.


I've played extensively and beaten both of these games. At great financial expense at local arcades, now defunct.

While the similarities to Golden Axe are not unfounded, they're closer to Capcom's own "Knights of the Round". However, it's really nice to fight Owlbears and Displacer Beasts in a side-scrolling beat 'em up.

My only complaint - and it may just stem from the fact that I'm not the greatest at these games - is that they are absolute quarter-munchers. I think I went through $5 trying to beat this one Lytch.

Great games, though. I would get them both if I had anything better than a PS2.

"What strength!! But don't forget there are many guys like you all over the world."
Now on Crowdfundr: "SOLO MARTIAL BLUES" is a single-player martial arts TTRPG at https://fnd.us/solo-martial-blues?ref=sh_dCLT6b

The Butcher

Quote from: ggroy;639673Anybody remember Rastan?

For a brief period of time, I was pumping in quarter after quarter into this game.  I never really got that far.

Never played it on the arcade but I had it for the Master System. Loved it. Shit, Rastan was the name of my first D&D character.

Quote from: Panjumanju;639674While the similarities to Golden Axe are not unfounded, they're closer to Capcom's own "Knights of the Round". However, it's really nice to fight Owlbears and Displacer Beasts in a side-scrolling beat 'em up.

Capcom's first fantasy beat 'em up side scroller ws Magic Sword, which branched off into King of Dragons and Knights of the Round Table. Maybe they went after the D&D licence themselves, or maybe the D&D licencing people sat up and took notice of Capcom's kick-ass fantasy-themed fighting games.

Damn, I don't think I can wait. I'll probably download and reinstall the MAME emulator these days.


Quote from: The Butcher;639675Capcom's first fantasy beat 'em up side scroller ws Magic Sword, which branched off into King of Dragons and Knights of the Round Table. Maybe they went after the D&D licence themselves, or maybe the D&D licencing people sat up and took notice of Capcom's kick-ass fantasy-themed fighting games.

Damn, I don't think I can wait. I'll probably download and reinstall the MAME emulator these days.

Magic Sword was also quite nice...
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
Hearts & Souls 2E Coming in 2019


Lost some serious coinage to those games, so I'm happy as can be that they're being re-released!
Quote from: dragoner;776244Mechanical character builds remind me of something like picking the shoe in monopoly, it isn\'t what I play rpg\'s for.