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Dishonored: Thief meets Killfuck Soulshitter

Started by Melan, June 05, 2012, 02:04:55 PM

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Quote from: silva;639216Another thing I think its worth noting is that the game dont try to excel at any single gameplay aspect - its stealth isnt better than Thief or Chaos theory, its "level openess" isnt better than Hitman´s, its choice & consequence isnt better than Deus Ex 1 (neither its plot), its atmosphere isnt tense as System Shock, etc... BUT it tries to mesh all those aspects into a very cohesive and fun package. To the point that, in the end, I think Ive had so much fun with this game overall as I had with any of those classics. (I recommend disabling all interface options, for maximum immersion, btw)
That's a lot like how the original Deus Ex works, BTW: it was never as good at stealth as Thief, it was never as good at shooting as a good FPS, and it never had as much interaction as an adventure game... but put it all in one package, and it's just a fun, complex game.
Now with a Zine!
ⓘ This post is disputed by official sources


Melan, exactly. I agree Deus Ex is another hybrid ( albeit a narrower one than Dishonored ).

By the way, there is a dlc coming out in April where you play with Daud and see the game story from the other side of the fence. Its an awesome idea, I hope they make it right.