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Bound to None, a new weird space western powered by BRP, is available. Pwyw.

Started by Hixanthrope, June 30, 2024, 09:48:50 AM

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Grab your plasma pistol, load up on sticky bombs, and click on your heat shield in
the weird space western roleplaying game about building a legacy in the frontier
of the galaxy. Take your crew wherever you want to go in a world where freedom
is as close as your starship's airlock door and show them you're Bound to None.

• Eight species and mutants let you play the character you want.
• Frontier travel, be an outlaw in one place and a hero in the next.
• Ship operation rounds work the same as on foot or in a vehicle.
• Tactical, fast combat with hit locations, special attacks, and phases.
• Your skills improve as you use them, no levels or classes.
• Built to scale from street level thugs to planetary overlords.
• Percentile core mechanic means transparent odds and quick rulings.
• Asymmetrical stats mean you don't spend forever rolling up mooks.
• Classic d100 system with flexible and open-ended structure.
• Futuristic equipment, chemicals, weapons, armor and psionics.
• Stats for shuttles, submarines, jet packs, starships, tanks, and more.
• Psionics excel at creative use written for flexible effects.
• Contains an introductory scenario full of mystery and adventure.
• Bestiary defines and gives stats for alien creatures found in the wild.
• Well defined space travel makes distance and time matter.
• No boring scifi, this is wild space like that found in the short stories
of the 1930s, the space adventures of the 1970s, and the anime
and manga of the 1990s and 2000s. Hot blooded mercs in cold space.


Four years of writing, playing, and revising made this happen, playtested by over 50 people ages 14-62.


Dan Davenport

Hello Hixanthrope!

I run the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord chatroom and hold text-based Q&A sessions for game authors there. Would you be interested in coming by to discuss Bound to None?

Past guests include Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Greg Stafford, Greg Stolze, Marc Miller, Jonathan Tweet, Margaret Weis, Mike Pondsmith, Ken St. Andre, Peter Adkison, James M. Ward, and Mark Rein•Hagen.

This is a free service, although tips are welcome at https://ko-fi.com/gmshoe.

Your Q&A will be promoted on my Facebook feed, at 16 Facebook groups -- 18 if it is a Kickstarter -- and on three major RPG web forums (TheRPGSite, RPGPub, and Enworld). In addition, the log of the Q&A will be maintained on my blog.

Here's the schedule, where you can see upcoming guests: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-schedule

Here's where to book your Q&A: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-booking

(The current standard time slots are 1:00-3:00 pm Central Standard Time Saturday and Sunday and 7:30-9:30 p.m. Central Standard Time every day of the week except where otherwise noted.)

Here's the shortcut to the chatroom:

Here's my blog, where I save the Q&A logs: http://gmshoe.wordpress.com/

And here's the Q&A format: https://gmshoe.wordpress.com/qa-format/

I should also mention that game authors are always welcome to hang out with us and discuss their products, and we have quite a few authors who do so on a regular basis. A Q&A simply gives you the floor to yourself. Stop by and check us out! :)
The Hardboiled GMshoe\'s Office: game reviews, Randomworlds Q&A logs, and more!

Randomworlds TTRPG chat: friendly politics-free roleplaying chat!


@Dan Davenport, thanks for the offer, I'll make some time soon. Cheers.

Dan Davenport

I just tested the link, and it's working. What happens when you click on the link on your end?
The Hardboiled GMshoe\'s Office: game reviews, Randomworlds Q&A logs, and more!

Randomworlds TTRPG chat: friendly politics-free roleplaying chat!


Downloaded this and skimmed a few relavent parts. Very interesting.

The character creation and skill system reads like a pleasently streamlined Call of Cthulhu, which is welcome.

The combat and initiative system is intriguing. The latent wargamer in me hesitates to the different counts "Phases", but I like the system. It looks like a compressed and simplified version of Shadow Run's initiative, which is good because the large numbers in SR made it hard to run through quickly without some kind of digital tool, but only served to break ties. By leaning into a bit of side initiative, that's rendered moot. It has the downside of removing randomness from the initiative system entirely, which I have reservations about, but isn't a dealbreaker.

The setting is barebones but incredibly interesting. I'm always fascinated to see how people build a setting that matches the retro-futuristic assumptions old sci-fi made without completely handwaving away everything we know about moder technology.

I'll be showing this to the couple groups I have in mind about running something like this, we'll have to compare it to the other sci-fi RPG we've been considering, Star Adventurer, for which will better represent the game we've been wanting.


Quote from: Zenoguy3 on July 08, 2024, 01:10:29 AMDownloaded this and skimmed a few relavent parts. Very interesting.
Awesome, glad you enjoyed it. Bound to None is based on BRP, which is very easy to translate to OSR games and vice versa. Whichever system you guys choose, hope you get some use out of it.

I'd add that no randomness in initiative doesn't mean no variance. Use of Aim, Rush, Special Attacks, and Resets changes up the order constantly through the fight, once you get the hang of it on both the player and gm side.