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VILLAINS UNBOUND! is OUT! (Crusaders superhero RPG)

Started by Minotaurians, August 31, 2024, 05:30:23 AM

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Legrand Games Studio proudly presents VILLAINS UNBOUND, a 69-page PDF supplement for CRUSADERS, the roleplaying game of superheroic action!

In this jam-packed supplement, you'll find additional rules on Master Villains and Supervillain Teams, plus a Rogues Gallery of 50 (fifty!) supervillains with full stats, backstory and individual illustration! All this for less than 3 dollars!

While some of this material has been previously published in Crusaders Showcase and Crusaders International, the vast majority of these villainous NPCs are entirely new, never-before-published characters - such as Professor Polaris, Dark Orchid, Jade Thunder, Manta Ray or the havoc wreaking Lords of Misrule!



Excellent! Is there a Print on Demand version too?

CRUSADERS is a top notch supers game.


Quote from: Spinachcat on September 01, 2024, 01:55:32 AMExcellent! Is there a Print on Demand version too?

CRUSADERS is a top notch supers game.

Merci, mon ami!

(No POD for the time being... I'm completely unable to handle the very precise & complex technical requirements for DrivethruRPG POD - but I'm currently looking at alternative solutions)
