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Exploration & Intrigue in the Strange & Wondrous Renaissance

Started by Aracaris, August 23, 2016, 02:01:51 AM

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Leaves of Chiaroscuro for Fate, the full 353 page version, is now available on DriveThruRPG and Lulu
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood
as light to darkness.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Welcome to the alternate reality world of Asiyah. Here, even the most fantastic promises of the Renaissance have blossomed into realities.

Dragons soar along side Da Vinci's flying machines, while wizards weave illusions as intricate as any of Machiavelli's machinations. Yet, under all this wonder rot grows and spreads. Noble houses and factions feud, reactionaries threaten to destroy all that has been built in this grand age.


Contained within these pages is

  • A setting focused on an alternate reality Italy in the world of Asiyah.
  • Details on several Italian cities, from the Floating city of Venice to Florence the City of Invention.
  • Information on the strange realms of the Great Beyond, from The Faery to Sitra Ahra. Details on enchanted places where those other realms impinge upon Asiyah.
  • 6 player character species*
  • Player-character friendly rules for dragons in the Fate RPG system.
  • A wealth of new stunts, special materials, weapons and optional rules.
  • An improvisational magic system.
  • A section dedicated to The Red City of Bologna, complete with a wealth of NPCs, detailed locations, a full adventure, and more.

*Player species include:

Humans, the elder race who now dominate the world.
Lacerta, the shapeshifting scions of the dragon gods.
Nephilim, born of forbidden unions between humans and the angelic grigori. Long ago the nephilim had an empire, remembered today commonly as Atlantis.
Apeiron, children of the four elements and four humours, born of an alchemical experiment.
Cambion: Cursed half-demon children of the Qliphoth.
Therion, chimerical beings blessed by Echnidna (the Minotaur of legend was a therion).