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1980's Call of Cthulhu Appalachian Trail thru hiker adventure just published.

Started by Vic99, August 24, 2024, 07:26:40 AM

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I just released my 1988 Call of Cthulhu hiking adventure.

It's late September, 1988. After nearly five months of backpacking, you and your thru hiker friends finally set off on that last isolated stretch of the Appalachian Trail - Maine's 100 Mile Wilderness. As you near the end, approaching the shadow of Mount Katahdin, among the spruce, pine, & vibrant autumn maples, you discover horror and terror. 

Mount Katahdin's Shadow is a 1980s Call of Cthulhu scenario set in the evergreen and autumn colored wild country of one of Maine's most challenging hiking trails.  Players will find an isolated wilderness, a brutal crime scene, and cosmic terror.

Vetted by over thirty play testers at three TTRPG conventions using a four hour version, Keepers found it ran best with with three to five characters. As written, however, this scenario is designed to run for six to eight hours, but methodical problem solvers and/or Keepers wishing to run more optional scenes may find a ten+ hour time frame more appropriate.

*A video trailer is available on the preview page.


Two versions - textured background  &  printer friendly versions
Seven pregenerated characters tailored for the adventure
Numerous options to extend the scenario
Several 1980's pop culture Easter Eggs
Over a dozen handouts and props
Options to extend the adventure
Notes from the play tests
A new Mythos creature
Several Keeper maps


Thanks for a look.

Dan Davenport

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QuoteSeveral 1980's pop culture Easter Eggs

I mean, this was basically me in 1988. The whole feel is very nostalgic.
Old School? Back in my day we just called it "School."