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Dystopia 23 - Bringing the cyberpunk

Started by Ferocious Games, December 13, 2019, 06:21:42 PM

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Ferocious Games

It's finally here!

After over a decade in development with tens of thousands of hours invested into it and hundreds of hours of playtesting, Dystopia 23-The Razors Edge is finally here.

I am incredibly proud and excited to announce that Dystopia 23 is now available for purchase from our website


To play the game you will want at a minimum the Core Rulebook and the Equipment Book. The Core Rulebook is over 380 pages of futuristic goodness. It contains everything that you will need to build and develop characters, use skills and vehicles, perform combat and operate in the Nexus. The Equipment book contains over 290 pages of gear from weapons and armour through to drones, covert equipment, vehicles, Nexus gear and a jaw-dropping array of human enhancement technologies.

The History of the Future will provide you with an enormous amount of detail about the world of the 23rd century. It contains a wealth of information about the new nations of the world, the powerful megacorporations that impact modern life and all of the government and underground organisations that characters may be forced to interact with. It also has a collection of NPCs and other useful information about culture, entertainment and lots of other things.

These 3 books can be purchased together at a discounted rate with the Razor Walker Pack.

Ravensky is the first campaign book for Dystopia 23. It contains detailed information about Teutonic Europe, Vienna and the key corporate elements that characters will be interacting with during the scenario. It has pre-generated characters with detailed backgrounds and provides an 11 Act mission scenario. This will allow you to run a campaign that will last for months.

The 3 core rulebooks mentioned above and Ravensky can be purchased together at a discounted rate in the Mega Pack.

You can order your products for immediate download here: https://dystopia23.com/products/

Remember to register on the website so that you can receive further information about our products.



Very cool Intro Video!

Downloaded the Quickstart and looking forward to reading it. Your website also looks good with lots of info. Definitely will pour through that another day.

When are you launching your Kickstarter?


Ferocious Games

Hi Spinachcat,

At this stage we will not be running a kickstarter. Our products are available for sale from our website right here: https://dystopia23.com/products/

It is possible that in the future we may run a kickstarter, or similar, for hard copy versions of the game. I hope you enjoy the Primer and that you consider Dystopia 23 for all your futuristic role-playing needs.

Ferocious Games

Covert operatives are masters of deception and disguise. They tread their path where few dear to pass. Dystopia 23 has 3 covert archetypes: the corporate infiltrator is a specialist in subterfuge and espionage. They specialise in infiltrating corporations to steal data; The black ops operative is a military trained surgical instrument who can sneak into the enemy camp and assassinate key figures; and the ghost is a street-smart master of stealth and concealment who can bypass electronic locks, cracks safes and break into secure facilities. Watch this video to get a first person perspective from a practising ghost in the world of dystopia 23.


Don't forget to like and subscribe.

Ferocious Games

Please check out the link below to hear an interview on Dicegeeks where host Matt Davids asks me some interesting questions about Dystopia 23. If you want to explore some details about the game this interview dives pretty deep. My thanks to Matt who is an excellent interviewer.


Ferocious Games

Mercenaries come in many forms. Some roam the battlefields of the 23rd century in armoured combat walkers or powered armour, leaving mayhem in their wake. Others stalk the streets of the megacities, dealing justice as they see fit. Dystopia 23 has 3 military archetypes: the corporate soldier, the mercenary school graduate and the military soldier. Each can choose from a vast array of skill packets enabling them to focus on fire support, battlefield vehicles, leadership, PsyOps, special forces and a variety of other specialities. The following video has a first person account from a grizzled military veteran of dystopia 23.



Really interesting video, thanks for sharing it with us !

Ferocious Games

Thanks for your interest, be sure to check out the website: https://dystopia23.com/

Ferocious Games

No team of razor walkers is complete without a talented hacker. When you slip out to areas of the city where you have no business being, and engage in activities that require your lawyer to be on speed dial, you need a hacker to wipe your echo. For those black-bag jobs where you need to break in to a facility and access their remote terminals, the lightning fast reactions of the hacker are essential. When you're neck deep in a Virtual Nexus Node with ElDefS chasing you down your Nexus combat skills will be the only thing preventing your brain from being fried. From basic research through to hacking the most sophisticated networks, the skills of your hacker will be the difference between success and failure and possibly between life and death.

Watch the following video to hear the first person story from a Dystopia 23 hacker:


Ferocious Games

Into the shadows. They want your blood, they want your death. The megacorporations you undermine, from whom you steal data and prototypes. You pass through dark hallways, freezing cameras and bypassing locks. You evade guards and drones. You sneak into offices and labs, hacking networks to extract the loot which you are hired to procure. The ever watching eye of government and corporation seeks you out. They try to pinpoint your location or capture your face on camera, but you evade them by a hair's breadth. This is the life of a ghost, a covert operative who uses guile, skill and courage to fill his bank account and build his reputation in the underground community. They are on the front line of espionage, the spearhead of a Razor Walker organisation. For this reason the body count is high. Covert specialists who slip up generally receive a quick dose of iron in their diet, at about 3000 km/h. The marshes and oceans surrounding major cities are filled with the bodies of operatives who overlooked details on the mission. To get a feel for the precarious life of the covert specialist watch the video below:


Ferocious Games

The sprawls of the 23rd century are dangerous and unforgiving; a place where desperate people clamber for survival. The free zones are void of law enforcement. Gangs, syndicates and vigilante groups rule the streets. Justice is hard to find and empathy seems like a forgotten sentiment. People live in ill-maintained hovels, abandoned apartment buildings and cubes; small metal boxes just big enough for one person to eat and sleep. Governments have neither the means nor the inclination to help their people, so it is each individual for themselves. To get a feel for what it is like to live in the sprawls of Dystopia 23 watch this account by one of its citizens:


Ferocious Games

Ever wonder how the past became the present? Dystopia 23 has a rich background covered in great detail in "History of the Future." This book reveals the secrets of the past. What happened between the 21st and the 23rd centuries would make your eyes water; the most volatile period in human history. History of the Future provides information on all of the organisations, megacorporations and governments that shaped the modern world. Countries fell under poverty and were subsumed by larger nations, new flags were planted on old soil and new colonies seeded throughout the Milky Way. Corporations ate one another. Only the strong survived as they sucked the marrow from the bones of weaker competition. After the global financial crisis the world was never the same again. Poverty is the norm, gangs and crime syndicates run the streets and the majority of the population are sealed off from the wealthy in enormous walled sprawls. Listen to a 23rd century historian describe the journey:
