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October! What an awesome month here at Avalon Games!

Started by JenSeiden, October 02, 2016, 07:05:04 AM

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Not only are there some awesome products just waiting for your players to stick into their greedy little mouths, but we've got so much new stuff coming together for Fall that I can barely keep from expressing my excitement! Avalon Games is reaching whole new plateaus of offerings!

As for advice, don't have a geriatric pregnancy... in-character or real life. Get 'em done before you're old and have no money. Trust me.

Here are this month's releases.
Avalon Models, Too-Nia Fleet
AVG 4700-ST-08
A collection of Too-Nia-based starship models for any tabletop game system.  Easy to print, easy to fold and play, these models are a great addition to any game.
Look for other great models in this series.

Arcana Journal #89
31 Pages


The true wonders of Arcana are explored in the monthly journals. Each issue focuses on a hex or faction within the game world, offering rumors, hidden lore, and detailed descriptions of all the important sites and people. Full-color maps (also offered in print-easy black and white) are provided, plus all sites of worthwhile note, such as towns and major adventure sites. Floor plans of castles and other locations are also offered.

In addition to this detailed write-up, each issue will also focus on other aspects of the game world, its history, important people, the Magi and gaming classes. When you add it all up, these journals take the mundane and make it magical. It is through the journals that the Arcana game world will grow, expand, and become a living place of adventure.

This issue of the Journal will cover the following aspects of the game world.

House Ithmoor
The Singing Frog Tavern
Villages of Shorenborg

Arcana Realms, Piannith
56 Pages

A realm on the edge of the wild southern plains, many old grudges are held there against the realm of Mithniera, as the two are constant rivals for control of the western trade out of the east.
The southernmost realm in the west, Piannith has a short, but bloody history.  The realm began with the fall of the Tharm Empire and the civil wars that raged about the region after central control of the lands faltered. Many old hates, ambitions, and feuds flared up, and one of these was an ancient dispute between Marth and Durnina.  The two noble lines have had an ongoing hate for each other that goes back to before the Tharn rule.  After the fall of the empire, the rivalry resurfaced and erupted into war.  This bloody battle continued until both sides were forced to stop their armed conflict by the other barons of the region.  From this gathering of lords came the new kingdom of Piannith.
The newly elected king of the realm gathered and consolidated his control and the crown grew in power.  This ended with the rebellion of the Baron of Durnina and his allies.  He brought down the current king and installed a new one in the form of the royal line of Kunnina.  Durnina was stripped of most of its lands and all but its control of the town of Thargmor.  This, of course, did not last long and the current baron enjoys strong influence within the realm once more.
King Festor Kunnina took the reins of power with surety and confidence, and settles many feuds and problems with a swift and iron hand.  The realm continued to prosper, fighting back barbarian raids out of the south and  goblin attacks from the hills about the mountains. However, recent wars with Mithniera over control of the Red Bridge have brought the realm low once more and the king rants about retaking what is rightfully his.
Avalon Clip Art, Color Fantasy 9
AVG 1694
9 Pages

Over the years, Avalon Games has collected a ton of artwork for use in various games. Well, we got to thinking, why couldn't you use this great art in your products? So, here it is, Avalon Clip Art! Each set within this series offers you a ton of great art and for a great price. Each product focuses on a set genre or character type and provides you with great filler art and character art for your gaming products.
Look for new sets to come out all the time, as we have thousands of pictures to offer, so have fun...
Usage Requirements/Limitations:
You may reduce, re-color, or crop any image included here. You may not resell these images in clip art packets or art collections.
If you use any of these images, in your product, you must include the statement:
"Some artwork copyrighted by Avalon Games, used with permission."
By purchasing this product you agree to these terms.
All work has been scanned at 300 DPI.
Why re-invent the wheel when Avalon Games has already done all the hard work?

Avalon Covers 21
Need a great bit of art for a cover, but don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for it? We have collected over the many years a ton of great art for use as covers.  We are happy to now offer these images for your use, and at a great price.
Usage Requirements/Limitations:
You may reduce, re-color, or crop any image or included here.  You may not resell these images or in clip art packets or art collections.
If you use this image, in your product, you must include the statement:
"Some artwork copyrighted by Avalon Games
Art by Phil Simpson"
By purchasing this product you agree to these terms.
Why re-invent the wheel when Avalon Games has already done all the hard work?


Counter Wars, The Realms, Avalon Mini-Game #185
23 Pages
Add the bright realms of men to your Counter Cars games and charge into the enemy lines with your mighty heroes and cavalry.

Heroes Weekly, Vol 6, Issue #13, Training Day
5 Pages


Writer: A. J. Kenning

Each week Avalon Games offers a new issue of Heroes Weekly.
Packed full of great superhero fun, each issue offers a short adventure, an NPC, or some game mechanics for the Heroes Wear Masks system. While compatible with the HWM system, you can always use the information presented in each issue for other superhero games—just monkey around with the stats and mechanics to fit the system you are using.
This Week: We have a great new adventure for your heroes, so join the fun!
Don't miss an issue, they are super!

Heroes Weekly, Vol 6, Issue #14, Madame Fortune
5 Pages plus


Writer: Jennifer Povey

Each week Avalon Games offers a new issue of Heroes Weekly.
Packed full of great superhero fun, each issue offers a short adventure, an NPC, or some game mechanics for the Heroes Wear Masks system. While compatible with the HWM system, you can always use the information presented in each issue for other superhero games—just monkey around with the stats and mechanics to fit the system you are using.
This Week: A new NPC hero to add to your game, this issue also comes with new figure flats to add to your collection.
Don't miss an issue, they are super!   


Heroes Weekly, Vol 6, Issue #15, New Psychic Powers
5 Pages plus


Writer: Jennifer Povey
Each week Avalon Games offers a new issue of Heroes Weekly.
Packed full of great superhero fun, each issue offers a short adventure, an NPC, or some game mechanics for the Heroes Wear Masks system. While compatible with the HWM system, you can always use the information presented in each issue for other superhero games—just monkey around with the stats and mechanics to fit the system you are using.
This Week: we have new powers, flavors, and flaws!
Don't miss an issue, they are super!

Heroes Weekly, Vol 6, Issue #16, Phasing Powers
9 Pages plus


Writer: Jennifer Povey
Each week Avalon Games offers a new issue of Heroes Weekly.
Packed full of great superhero fun, each issue offers a short adventure, an NPC, or some game mechanics for the Heroes Wear Masks system. While compatible with the HWM system, you can always use the information presented in each issue for other superhero games—just monkey around with the stats and mechanics to fit the system you are using.
This week: Take the phasing power to a whole new direction.
Don't miss an issue, they are super!

Avalon Spell Books, Vol 1, Issue #10
5 Pages
By Maria Smolina
Avalon takes a common spell and provides you with a number of alterations and additions to add excitement and useful options for your next adventure.  Each issue of Avalon Spell Books will focus on a new spell, discussing different versions of the spell, providing different components that can be used to alter the way the spell works, and even adding feats and new magical items linked to the spell in question.
Magic Aura
The Magic Aura spell has long been part of the cheating trader's repertoire, a safety measure in areas where magic is restricted, or an occasional way to set an attractive decoy. Primarily ignored by adventurers, it is a potentially valuable asset to a dungeon-keeper or any spellcaster who already has a dwelling protected by magic.
To make the spell really worth casting, one needs to consider two tricks with the aura-changing mechanics that are not automatically available with this spell. The first trick is adding it as a permanent effect to a magical item—or even better, to a magical trap—which is really the best way to deal with those intruders who routinely check everything with the cheap detect magic zero-level spell before making a step forward. The second path of improvement requires increasing the spell's area to affect larger objects and even places, potentially masking overland enchantments and multiple minor magics within.
Finally, being able to alter the ways your spells are perceived by other creatures can grow into a full-scale illusionist technique, based on manipulating the auras of existing spells. As an example of such techniques, a new focused arcane school of aura-shaping is presented, with some new aura-related powers.

This and much more is discussed in this issue of Spell Books!

Look for other great Pathfinder-based gaming goodies from Avalon Games.

One Knight Games, Vol 3, Issue 12: Never Comin' Back
19 Pages
A. J. Keening
Never Comin' Back: The merc team is transporting a large stash of a variety of military goods to a remote outpost in the middle of a warzone. Some of those goods aren't quite kosher, if you know what I mean, but it's all in a day's work for a mercenary company. To carry all those goods at once, the mercs have stripped their 'copter of a lot of their usual equipment— well behind the battle lines, it's not really a worry. Except, a hired hit squad has been dogging the mercs from a distance for a while now waiting for a good chance to strike, which just got handed to them on a silver platter....

Isle of the Dragon, a Kung Fu Kuma Adventure
AVG 5600-06
36 Pages
A. J. Kenning
Isle of the Dragon is a cinematic adventure for the Kung Fu Kuma campaign world and the Pathfinder Game System ™. It is an adventure for 3to 6 adventurers of 4th to 5th level.
Specifically, it is designed for 4 characters of 5th level. With additional characters, the levels of some characters should be reduced in order to maintain the same adventure difficulty.

A great martial arts supplement for use with Kung Fu Kuma!
Avalon Haunts #6
5 Pages
By Maria Smolina
Need something a bit scary for your game? Here's Avalon Haunts! Each issue brings you a unique, fun, and creepy haunt to spice up your games. Drop the team just about anywhere, or build a whole game around the haunt! You will find them easy to use, fun to play, and having your games become creeping with scary fun.
This month we have another haunting tale to scare and thrill your players with.

Avalon Characters, Five Druids
5 Pages
By Maria Smolina
Need a great NPC to give your game some thrills and fun? Here is yet another great Pathfinder-based product.  Avalon is happy to offer you five great NPCs.  Each issue will come with a selection of five characters that you can introduce to your game. Need a villain? Well, we got them. Need a love interest or rival? Yep, them too.
Join the fun and have a seat at the round table of entertainment with Avalon Games.

IF Threats, The Tealnik
AVG 3100-2.0- TE
17 Pages
A. J. Kenning
The Tealnik are an old-fashioned people who fiercely believe in a strongly decentralized government. They are constantly fighting one another in ancient family feuds, duels of honor, and wars of aggression. Though they are isolationists who are uncomfortable interacting with members of other species, the Tealnik readily venture far into the Fringe in order to find dangerous beasts to hunt and worthy forces to battle with in order to further increase their personal honor. Their planetary holdings are an old-world mixture of teeming cities, vast rural tracts, and heavily restricted wilderness areas (hunting preserves).
In the vastness of space, few will ever see a Tealnik; those few that do will never see them coming.

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue #14, October 2016
6 Pages
Welcome to Avalon Game's Newsletter.  This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Kung Fu Kuma races, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon.


Your Impending Mom-To-Be,
Jen Sadler
Promotional Manager for Avalon Games

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