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Rider is DTRPG's Deal of the Day!

Started by Independence Games, September 11, 2024, 11:07:22 AM

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Independence Games

Rider is today's "DTRPG Deal of the Day"! 

Normally $19.99, for the next 24 hours (posting this at 11am Eastern on September 11), the PDF for Rider will be $6.


Howdy partner!  Welcome to the Old West!

The American frontier has always been a source of American mythology and has been explored in novels, on the stage, and on film and television.  Now, with Rider, you can enter the world of the Old West.

Rider uses the Cepheus Engine rules as a base with modifications made to fit with the "Old West" setting. Rider draws inspiration from both fictional and historical Western lore but definitely sides with fictional portrayals.

Rider features improvements on the character generation system you will find in Clement Sector and Earth Sector.  While we continue to follow the Independence Games tradition of giving characters full backstories, Rider gives the player a greater control over that backstory while maintaining the fun of random character generation.

Rider features numerous details on gambling, drugs and alcohol, weapons, horses, and what one might find in a Western town.  The game has 23 Career Paths with everything from Homesteaders to Vagabonds. You'll find Clergy, Doctors, Gunslingers, Con Artists, Soldiers, Outlaws, and many more.  Rider has our quick NPC generation system as found in Clement Sector along with special rules for train heists, bank robberies, and, of course, the showdown at High Noon!

Are you ready for a new adventure?  Then saddle up and get ready to ride!
John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.


Neat, I've always been curious about it but knew that I would never play.  So, I picked it up for my reading enjoyment.
You can find my solo Tarot based rules for Amber on my home page.

Independence Games

John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.

Independence Games


I just wanted to drop you a quick note to remind you that we have extended the Deal of the Day offer for Rider until Monday morning at 10am Eastern!  Until then, with this offer ONLY, you can pick up Rider (normally $19.99) at the Deal of the Day price of only $6. 

However, to get this price, you MUST use this link:  https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=9ac51712bf

Howdy partner! Welcome to the Old West!

The American frontier has always been a source of American mythology and has been explored in novels, on the stage, and on film and television. Now, with Rider, you can enter the world of the Old West.

Rider uses the Cepheus Engine rules as a base with modifications made to fit with the "Old West" setting. Rider draws inspiration from both fictional and historical Western lore but definitely sides with fictional portrayals.

Rider features improvements on the character generation system you will find in Clement Sector and Earth Sector. While we continue to follow the Independence Games tradition of giving characters full backstories, Rider gives the player a greater control over that backstory while maintaining the fun of random character generation.

Rider features numerous details on gambling, drugs and alcohol, weapons, and what one might find in a Western town. The game has 23 Career Paths with everything from Homesteaders to Vagabonds. You'll find Clergy, Doctors, Gunslingers, Con Artists, Soldiers, Outlaws, and many more. Rider has our quick NPC generation system as found in Ensemble Cast along with special rules for train heists, bank robberies, and, of course, the showdown at High Noon!

Are you ready for a new adventure? Then saddle up and get ready to ride!
John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.