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Clement Sector: Light Speed is now available!

Started by Independence Games, August 02, 2024, 09:32:17 AM

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Independence Games

Clement Sector: Light Speed is here!  Clement Sector: Light Speed is now available as a PDF from Drive-thru RPG and as a PDF or print preorder from the Independence Games website. 

Remember that if you order a preorder of one of the print versions, you will get the PDF free at the time of the preorder.

Interested in Clement Sector?  Is our 673-page core book a bit daunting? We've got you covered!

Clement Sector: Light Speed is a light version of the Clement Sector rules designed for both first-time players and those who want fewer rules for their Clement Sector experience.  Clement Sector: Light Speed is the perfect gateway into the overall Clement Sector universe providing a less intensive look at the rules and the setting.

Included here is a simplified system for character generation, personal combat, and starship combat that will get you started in Clement Sector.  Also included is information about the Cascadia Subsector, allowing you to jump into the Clement Sector universe in one easy step allowing Referees and Players the ability to test Clement Sector for themselves.

Adventure awaits you!

IG Webstore (PDF Only):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-pdf

IG Webstore (Hardcover Preorder + PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-hardcover

IG Webstore (Softcover Preorder + PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-softcover

DTRPG (PDF Only):  https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/487584/Clement-Sector-Light-Speed?affiliate_id=7330
John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.

Dan Davenport

Hello Independence Games team!

I run the Randomworlds TTRPG Discord chatroom and hold text-based Q&A sessions for game authors there. Would you be interested in coming by to discuss Clement Sector: Light Speed?

Past guests include Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Greg Stafford, Greg Stolze, Marc Miller, Jonathan Tweet, Margaret Weis, Mike Pondsmith, Ken St. Andre, Peter Adkison, James M. Ward, and Mark Rein•Hagen.

This is a free service, although tips are welcome at https://ko-fi.com/gmshoe.

Your Q&A will be promoted on my Facebook feed, at 16 Facebook groups -- 18 if it is a Kickstarter -- and on three major RPG web forums (TheRPGSite, RPGPub, and Enworld). In addition, the log of the Q&A will be maintained on my blog.

Here's the schedule, where you can see upcoming guests: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-schedule

Here's where to book your Q&A: https://tinyurl.com/randomworlds-booking

(The current standard time slots are 1:00-3:00 pm Central Standard Time Saturday and Sunday and 7:30-9:30 p.m. Central Standard Time every day of the week except where otherwise noted.)

Here's the shortcut to the chatroom:

Here's my blog, where I save the Q&A logs: http://gmshoe.wordpress.com/

And here's the Q&A format: https://gmshoe.wordpress.com/qa-format/

I should also mention that game authors are always welcome to hang out with us and discuss their products, and we have quite a few authors who do so on a regular basis. A Q&A simply gives you the floor to yourself. Stop by and check us out! :)
The Hardboiled GMshoe\'s Office: game reviews, Randomworlds Q&A logs, and more!

Randomworlds TTRPG chat: friendly politics-free roleplaying chat!

Independence Games


I'm not sure when we'd be able to do it.  The next few weekends are out, but I'd love to do that if I could.

John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.

Independence Games

Clement Sector: Light Speed is now available as a PDF or a softcover book at Drive-thru RPG and the Independence Games webstore.  If you preordered a softcover book from our webstore, it was sent out to you this morning!

We are still waiting on the stock of hardcovers.  However, if you'd like to preorder a hardcover, you can do so at the Independence Games webstore.  As always, if you preorder at the IG webstore, you will receive the PDF for free and at the time you place your order.  Print preorders will always be shipped out on the day after their arrival here in our stock.

IG Webstore (PDF only):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-pdf

IG Webstore (Softcover + PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-softcover

IG Webstore (Hardcover Preorder + PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-hardcover

DTRPG (Softcover, PDF, or Softcover/PDF combo):  https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/487584/clement-sector-light-speed?affiliate_id=7330

Interested in Clement Sector?  A 673-page core book too much? We've got you covered!

Clement Sector: Light Speed is a light version of the Clement Sector rules designed for both first-time players and those who want fewer rules for their Clement Sector experience.  Clement Sector: Light Speed is the perfect gateway into the overall Clement Sector universe providing a less intensive look at the rules and the setting.

Included here is a simplified system for character generation, personal combat, and starship combat that will get you started in Clement Sector.  Also included is information about the Cascadia Subsector, allowing you to jump into the Clement Sector universe in one easy step allowing Referees and Players the ability to test Clement Sector for themselves.

Adventure awaits you! 
John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.

Independence Games

Clement Sector: Light Speed is now available in hardcover, softcover, and PDF at Drive-thru RPG and the Independence Games webstore.

If you preordered the hardcover, it was mailed to you this morning.  Softcovers were mailed out a week or so ago.

Clement Sector: Light Speed is a lighter version of the Clement Sector Third Edition rules which is ideal for those who are intimidated by the 675-page Big Beautiful Book or for those who are players who need only the basic information to play the game.

IG Webstore (PDF Only):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-pdf

IG Webstore (Softcover + Free PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-softcover

IG Webstore (Hardcover + Free PDF):  https://independencerpgs.com/collections/new/products/clement-sector-light-speed-hardcover

DTRPG (All versions; Currently 30% off until September 9):  https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/487584/clement-sector-light-speed?affiliate_id=7330
John Watts
Independence Games

Home of Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and Rider!

The Independence Games webstore.