The Kingdom of Keshanar is a 5e compatible campaign setting inspired by ancient Egypt! New NPC's, monsters, spells, sub-classes and tons more content, make the setting feel as if you were seeing it with your own eyes.
If you wanted to do that, we also have built the entire city in the unreal engine and access is included with every tier of support on Kickstarter! That's right, you can roam a fully built 3D model of the city and even open a top down view, mark your location with grids or hexes and export your new battle map to a VTT platform on the fly.
Our Kickstarter launches April 8th and we would be eternally grateful for any support you can provide. We are doing a promotion for those that pledge $1 to become a VIP. Each VIP that backs the Kickstarter at ANY tier will receive a set of liquid-core, Apep's Eye dice included with their purchase. Pictures shown below.
Thanks again to everyone here! We can't wait to get started next month!