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High Valor Revised: Will•Faith•Valor for the win

Started by brettmb, November 23, 2016, 12:40:51 PM

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The Free Kingdoms struggle to leave their Dark Ages behind just as their deepest fears are realized. The demonic Fane-Lords who once enslaved man, have destroyed the Black Gate that held them in their own lands. Now all of the races of man -- Dvegr, Humans, Sidda, Sidhain, and the Fane-created Fomoradgh -- must stand together or become their slaves again.

Glory in battle and die for your cause. Rhyme your spell words and sing songs of magic.

Tim Kirk's High Valor Revised Edition centers around the sagas you create during play. Simple mechanics focusing on Will, Faith, and Valor empower your heroes to face terrible beasts, small armies, and their own mortality with honor and glory.

More info...

"High Valor is designed to provide the kind of fantasy adventure I wanted from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, but never quite found because so much of the system was still geared towards killing things and taking its stuff. High Valor provides a vehicle for that kind of epic, storytelling adventure while still keeping the 'game' part of it present."

Incorporating one of the first e-publishing RPG companies, Precis Intermedia is known for its diverse line-up of clear and concise games. Precis Intermedia's current game lines include the ENnie Award-winning Ancient Odysseys for fantasy gaming; ENnie Award-nominated Two-Fisted Tales for thrilling pulp action; Lords of Olympus, Shatterzone, and Bloodshadows; Brutes, New World Disorder, Warcosm, and A Fistfull of Miniatures for miniatures gaming; HardNova 2, Coyote Trail, EarthAD 2, Mean Streets, and Ghostories for low-cost, ready-to-play entertainment; Active Exploits Diceless for universal diceless roleplaying with that familiar 'dice' feel; Story Engine and StoryMax for scene and adjective-based, collaborative roleplaying; and exciting accessories like Disposable Heroes Paper Minis®, Disposable Tilescapes™, and Disposable Starmaps™.


I've got the first edition. Bought it on the strength of a couple of reviews, and even though it doesn't suit my regular group's play style, it was a great read and a neat system. Tim writes some nifty stuff so I encourage folks to check it out. Still hoping to find time to hack it for an Arabian Night's game...
Here for gaming, not drama.
