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RIGS Result Volume 5 - Weapons from Ennead Games

Started by EnneadGames, October 10, 2016, 04:34:45 AM

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RIGS Result Volume 5 - Weapons

A while ago I created a generator for myself and my games that output randomized magic items. The idea behind it was to create a system that could output a couple of words or more that would suggest an item name or concept. The challenge then becomes to take this randomly created item concept and make something that can be used in various games and stories.

I called this system the Random Item Generation System (R.I.G.S.), hence the title -R.I.G.S. Results.

System generic, these items are designed with a fantasy or medieval setting in mind, but a few of them could be used as-is in a sci-fi or modern or even horror setting with only a minor amount of tweaking.

  • Aportation Broadsword - Teleport what you hit
  • Axe of Destruction - Unleash destruction
  • Crossbow of The Seige - Fire a bolt that can break walls
  • Dagger of Rot - Infect your enemies with diseases
  • Knuckleduster of Explosions - Punch with the force of an explosion
  • Shortbow of Winter - Create snow and ice based effects
  • Spear of the Necromancer - Kill your enemies then raise them to do your bidding
  • Sphere of Speed - Hitting your target with this can affect their speed
  • Staff of the Silent - Those who use this staff cannot be heard
  • Sword of Guilt - Bring forth your enemies deepest feelings of guilt
Price - $1.50

Bundle Available
RIGS Bundle Volumes 1 - 5 : Individual pruce ($7.50) Bundle Price ($6.00) : http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195472/RIGS-Results-Compilation-BUNDLE

Available now at Drivethru & Tabletop Library (product links)

Open Gaming Store , Paizo online stores very soon (store links)

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