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Crafty Games at Gen Con 2012: Come Play with Brandon Sanderson

Started by pkapera, May 09, 2012, 07:56:14 PM

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The Gen Con 2012 event catalog has been released and we're just two weeks from registration going live, so it's time to consider how you'll be spending the Best Four Days in Gaming! (To view the listings, you will need to log into your Gen Con account and click the "Find Events" link in the left naivgation panel. From there, you can browse events by type, day, grouup, and more. If you'd prefer a spreadsheet version, you can download it here.)

Crafty Games has events running all weekend for Fantasy Craft and the Mistborn Adventure Game, but the big news is our special celebrity session with Mistborn creator Brandon Sanderson. That's right, six lucky winners will have the chance to play a full five-hour session of the Mistborn Adventure Game with the novel author himself!

This event happens Sunday from 11am to 4pm and seats will be raffled off throughout the weekend at the Crafty Games booth in the dealer's hall (like last year, we're in the Studio 2 block this time around - watch our site for the exact booth number as we close on the weekend). Every purchase at the Crafty Games booth will earn you one or more raffle tickets, so be sure to keep us on your shopping lists.

Brandon will also be signing at our booth Saturday from 4:30pm to 6pm, which is a great time to stop by and pick up your very own copy of the Mistborn Adventure Game and get it signed by the man himself. *Brandon is Gen Con's Author Guest of Honor this year and will also be doing special readings and panels all weekend.

Don't forget to watch us on Facebook, Twitter, and the Crafty Games news feed for more details about this amazing weekend.

We look forward to seeing you at the show! Stay Crafty!

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our RSS feed for special behind-the-scenes content, contests, prizes, and more!
Patrick Kapera
Crafty Games

In game terms, reality is broken.


Very cool. But please for the love of all that's holy get Spellbound done before I die (like maybe by June).:D

It's hard work for me pimping your game if it's not complete doncha know?
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


Quote from: Marleycat;537878Very cool. But please for the love of all that's holy get Spellbound done before I die (like maybe by June).:D

It's hard work for me pimping your game if it's not complete doncha know?

The game's hardly incomplete without Spellbound but we feel ya just the same. That book, so goin' down.

Sorry to hear about that condition of yours BTW. Should we alert Make a Wish? June's right around the corner, you know, and we definitely want you going out in style. ;)
Patrick Kapera
Crafty Games

In game terms, reality is broken.


Quote from: pkapera;538015The game's hardly incomplete without Spellbound but we feel ya just the same. That book, so goin' down.

Sorry to hear about that condition of yours BTW. Should we alert Make a Wish? June's right around the corner, you know, and we definitely want you going out in style. ;)

Oh yes please do, my dying wish is please get Spellbound out. I can't get my proper magic mojo on without some decent rules! I suppose I could just make stuff up....:)
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


Quote from: Marleycat;538042Oh yes please do, my dying wish is please get Spellbound out. I can't get my proper magic mojo on without some decent rules! I suppose I could just make stuff up....:)

The stuff in the core book isn't decent. We're wounded sir!

Still, your sentiment is well taken, and we share it, believe us. Spellbound's about as high on our priority list as anything can get. :)
Patrick Kapera
Crafty Games

In game terms, reality is broken.


Quote from: pkapera;538080The stuff in the core book isn't decent. We're wounded sir!

Still, your sentiment is well taken, and we share it, believe us. Spellbound's about as high on our priority list as anything can get. :)

No it is great but I want more! I'm greedy.:)
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


Quote from: Marleycat;538086No it is great but I want more! I'm greedy.:)

Ha! Fair enough. :)
Patrick Kapera
Crafty Games

In game terms, reality is broken.