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Adventure Outline Maker from Ennead Games

Started by EnneadGames, November 07, 2016, 04:27:28 AM

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Adventure Outline Maker

As a GM or a story creator, you can often find yourself stuck for ideas. Especially after your players decide to go off carefully beaten track you designed. Or you forgot your notes and need to come up with at least the outline for an adventure in a few moments.

The Adventure Outline Maker is for just those kinds of moments. Using a series of d100 tables it creates an adventure outline, with contact type, your quest/mission, where it is, and what complication there is, or what help you may get, even a suggested reward. This outline is then used to help you come up with a full adventure or side quest.

Each aspect table has 100 entries, with some duplication to reflect the more common entries.

There are also two examples outlines included, showing how the process works and taking you through it step by step. You will need to flesh out the details yourself, but that is not a hard thing to do and Ennead Games can help with that as well, with our numerous generators for backgrounds, names and more.

  • 2 example outlines, showing how the system can be used to quickly
  • 8 d100 tables that can be combined in a high number of ways to produce an outline in a simple and easy way.

These tables are:
  • Contact – Personality & Contact - Profession tells you about who gave you the quest/primary point of contact.
  • Quest – Action   & Quest – Target - These two together tell you what is needed and what the target is
  • Location tells you where you should go
  • Complication - If something can go wrong, this table tells you what it is.
  • Help & Opposition - Do you get aid from others or are there active groups out to hinder you
  • Reward - What have you been promised as a reward for your endeavours.

Price : $1.75

Available now at Drivethru & Tabletop Library (product links)

Open Gaming Store , Paizo online stores very soon (store links)

Check out Ennead Games Patreon for freebies and exclusive previews