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Who is your favorite Doctor?

Started by danbuter, November 16, 2013, 08:29:51 PM

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Quote from: Justin Alexander;716006I'm fascinated that your opinion would shift like that during the absolute worst episode of nuWho. (It is, in fact, one of the worst episodes of television I have ever seen.)

I am not sure what response I can give that wouldn't lead us down the same road last time we spoke about this. I get it, you don't like the recent episodes and you think my taste is objectively terrible for liking them.

But to answer your question why my opinion shifted, it isnt anything the do with quality if that episode (though I did enjoy it). It had to do with the scene where he was overcome by the crimson horror, and in a wat, not the doctor. I don't know why, but him being in that state, clarified him as the doctor for me. No idea why I had that reaction.


Tennant, but is hard as Baker was my first Doctor, and I have grown very fond of Smith. Haven't watched the rest :)
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).


Didn't read the thread but I'd say my Orthopedic surgeon, Dr Kim, since he did such an excellent job on my hip replacement in September.

Oh, THOSE doctors?

I like Eccleston, since he played a fine line between quirky joy and brooding despair.
"Who cares if the classes are balanced? A Cosmo-Knight and a Vagabond walk into a Juicer Bar... Forget it Jake, it\'s Rifts."  - CRKrueger


Davidson for me, with Baker and then Tennant behind.


Quote from: Dan Vincze;715917The two seconds I've seen of Capaldi, albeit in Leonevision, have me optimistic.

Check out the movie "In the Loop"; he's the best part of the movie.
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector

The Ent

Eccleston because his run got me into Who (and I really liked all of his season).
Allthough I like Tennant lots as well, verrry strong 2nd place there.

Don't like Smith much.

Out of oldWho I've only seen a couple storylines with McCoy - Cold Light and the one with the sea vampires. Both of wich were very scary and good.


Quote from: Lynn;716280Check out the movie "In the Loop"; he's the best part of the movie.

He played a pretty creepy Angel Islington in Neverwhere as well.

This is also the 2nd Doctor who first played another role in DrWho?